Standardization of the formulas of discursive practice farewell in the national cooperative communicative behaviour

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Anglų kalba / English
Standardization of the formulas of discursive practice farewell in the national cooperative communicative behaviour
Alternative Title:
Atvadīšanās diskursa prakses standartformulas nacionālajā kooperatīvās saziņas uzvedībā
In the Journal:
Valoda: nozīme un forma [Language: Meaning and Form]. 2020, 11, p. 77-92. Gramatika un valodas normēšana = Grammar and language standardization
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Diskurso praktikos; Atsisveikinimas; Standartizuotos formulės; Mandagumas. Keywords: Discursive practice; Farewell; Standardized formula; Politeness.

ENThis article offers characterisation of the standardization process of the discursive practice (DP) formulas denoting farewell in the national cooperative communicative behaviour (NCCB) of Ukrainians, Russians, Lithuanians and Americans (USA), grammaticalization of which has occurred depending on the dominant modes of this practice in each linguaculture. Here, we refine the definition of DP farewell as a standardised etiquette and ritual seminal construct (grammatical form / formula) of the NCCB of Ukrainians, Russians, Lithuanians and Americans, whereby the phatic closing phase of discursive situations is completed (the contact between the interlocutors is concluded, the interaction is finalized), in the process of which the interrelationships between the addresser and the addressee in a discursive space of cooperative or other interaction are predicated upon. A new experimental procedure is proposed for identifying the standardized formulas of the dominants, characteristic of DP farewell in the four linguacultures. The linguistic experiment has enabled the authors to derive the productivity indices (PI) of modes of politeness / tolerance (MP / MT), neutrality (MN) and familiarity (MF) as means for each type of DP both in a particular linguaculture and for a particular DP farewell, regulating the NCCB of Ukrainians, Russians, Lithuanians and Americans.On the basis of the derived PI of the modes of politeness / tolerance, neutrality and familiarity, we managed to capture that for DP farewell in NCCB of the representatives of the linguacultures under consideration, the circumnuclear zone of communicative consciousness of Ukrainians (MP / MT 0.36; MN 0.32), Russians (MP / MT 0.38; MN 0.41), Lithuanians (MP / MT 0.39; MN 0.35), and Americans (MP / MT 0.39; MN 0.3), formed on the basis of modes of politeness / tolerance, and neutrality, is universal. More considerable differences are expressed with the productivity indices of the mode of familiarity of DP farewell in NCCB of Americans (MF 0.31) and Lithuanians (MF 0.34), which belongs to the circumnuclear zone of their communicative consciousness, whereas in Ukrainians (MF 0.21) and Russians (MF 0.21) it takes the zone of near periphery. [From the publication]

2256-0602; 2255-9256
2022-11-29 07:26:50
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