Techninių ir skaitmeninių bendravimo ir bendradarbiavimo priemonių naudojimas teikiant specialiąsias socialines paslaugas šeimoms

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Techninių ir skaitmeninių bendravimo ir bendradarbiavimo priemonių naudojimas teikiant specialiąsias socialines paslaugas šeimoms
Alternative Title:
Use of technical and digital means of communication and collaboration in the provision of special social services to families
In the Journal:
Social inquiry into well-being [Socialinės gerovės tyrimai]. 2022, 20, 1, p. 5-22
Summary / Abstract:

LTŠio straipsnio tikslas – remiantis socialinių darbuotojų patirtimi atskleisti, kokiomis bendravimo ir bendradarbiavimo techninėmis ir skaitmeninėmis priemonėmis naudojosi socialiniai darbuotojai teikdami specialiąsias socialines paslaugas socialinės rizikos veiksnius patiriančioms šeimoms. Probleminiai tyrimo klausimai: Kokias specialiąsias socialines paslaugas teikė socialiniai darbuotojai, dirbantys su rizikos veiksnius patiriančiomis šeimomis pandemijos laikotarpiu? Kokias realias technines ir skaitmenines priemones socialiniai darbuotojai pasitelkė per pandemiją bendraudami ir bendradarbiaudami su šeimomis, teikdami joms specialiąsias socialines paslaugas? Tyrime dalyvavo 22 socialiniai darbuotojai, dirbantys socialinėse institucijose įvairiose Lietuvos vietovėse, teikiantys kompleksines paslaugas šeimoms. Tyrimu nustatyta, kad socialiniai darbuotojai COVID-19 pandemijos laikotarpiu, naudodamiesi techninėmis ir skaitmeninėmis bendravimo ir bendradarbiavimo priemonėmis, teikė šias specialiąsias paslaugas: socialinių įgūdžių ugdymo, palaikymo ir (ar) atkūrimo; intensyvios krizių įveikimo pagalbos; pagalbos globėjams (rūpintojams), budintiems globotojams, įtėviams ir šeimynų dalyviams ar besirengiantiems jais tapti; vaikų dienos socialinės priežiūros paslaugas.Tyrimu atskleista, kad socialiniai darbuotojai, teikdami specialiąsias socialines paslaugas, su šeima palaiko ryšį ir bendrauja naudodamiesi kompiuteriais, interneto ryšiu, mobiliaisiais įrenginiais (bendrauja ir bendradarbiauja skambindami arba rašydami SMS žinutes išmaniuoju telefonu). Bendraudami ir bendradarbiaudami, teikdami pagalbą globėjams (rūpintojams), budintiems globotojams, įtėviams ir šeimynų nariams ar besirengiantiems jais tapti, ugdydami, palaikydami ar atkurdami paslaugų gavėjams socialinius įgūdžius, teikdami intensyvią krizių įveikimo pagalbą ar užtikrindami vaikų socialinę priežiūrą, organizuodami pozityvios tėvystės ar globėjų (rūpintojų), budinčių globotojų, įtėvių, bendruomeninių vaikų globos namų darbuotojų mokymus, per atvejo vadybos posėdžius, organizuodami susirinkimus su paslaugų gavėjais, socialiniai darbuotojai naudojasi konferencijų, pokalbių programomis. Tyrimo dalyviai nurodė, kad suteikdami intensyvią krizių įveikimo pagalbą naudojasi laiko planavimo programa „Calendar“. Tyrimas atskleidė, kad pandemijos laikotarpiu fiziniai kontaktai ir mokymai pakeisti nuotoliniais. Ši teigiama alternatyva suteikė galimybę operatyviai prisijungti prie grupės, be to, kitaip nei fizinėse grupėse, šiuo atveju nebuvo dalyvių skaičiaus ribojimo. Rezultatas pasiteisino dėl organizavimo, prieinamumo, laiko ir lėšų taupymo. Specialiosios socialinės paslaugos teikiamos nuotoliniu būdu ir šiuo metu, ypač užmezgant kontaktą, kuriant santykį, bendraujant ir bendradarbiaujant su paslaugų gavėjais, taip pat tuo atveju, kai šeima yra izoliuota ir dėl didelio atstumo nėra galimybių dažnai pas ją nuvykti. [Iš leidinio]

ENWhen social services had to be provided, with regard to social distancing, it was difficult for social workers to communicate with recipients of services in the usual way, thus they had to search for new ways to communicate remotely. In some cases, this is still a major problem, because not all recipients of services have the basic tools – such as computers, smartphones, laptops, etc. – that would enable them to receive the social services that they need. Another aspect is the competencies of social workers that are required when working remotely and using digital tools. Research on the use of technical and digital means has allowed researchers to find scientific sources (Distance Learning/Learning/Education Handbook, 2020) that examine how educators use technical and digital means, but there has been no analysis of the experience of social workers related to the use of technical and digital means in the provision of special social services. Therefore, it is appropriate to examine the application of the technical and digital means used by social workers to provide special social services. It should be noted that this research is broader and covers more social services, but the following article analyses only the provision of special social services and, based on the experience of social workers, the communication and collaboration of social workers and recipients of services when providing special social services to families. The aim of the following article is to reveal the technical and digital means of communication and collaboration used by social workers when providing special services to families at social risk during the COVID-19 pandemic.Research questions: What special social services were provided by social workers working with families at risk during the pandemic period? What real technical and digital means did social workers use during the pandemic when communicating and collaborating with families to provide them with special social services? Research methods. The qualitative research type was chosen for the study in order to reveal the kinds of technical and digital means of communication and collaboration used by social workers in providing special social services to families, based on the experience of social workers. The method of a semi-structured interview was also used. The obtained data were analysed by using the content analysis method. Qualitative content analysis was performed in the following sequence: the repeated reading of the content of transcribed interview texts, the distinction of meaningful elements in the text analysed, the grouping of the distinguished meaningful elements into categories and sub-categories, the integration of the categories/sub-categories into the context of the phenomenon analysed, and the description of their analysis. The sample of the research. A criteria-based sample was used in the study. The research participants were chosen according to the following criteria: 1) social workers who have a degree in the area of social work; 2) social workers working with families; 3) social workers who provide services to families with a length of service not less than three years; and 4) social workers who provided special social services during the pandemic period.The study was conducted in October-November of 2021. The study involved 22 social workers who provided special social services to families and worked in social service and social support centres and departments, care centres for children and adolescents, institutions protecting children’s rights, hospitals, and community homes for children in different parts of Lithuania. This research is based on the ethical principles of: respect for the person’s voluntary participation in the research; provision of information about the research; introduction of the aim of the research, methods, and procedures for collecting and analysing research data; beneficence and non-maleficence to the subject; confidentiality; and anonymity. When analysing research results, the characteristics of the study participants are presented in general to ensure that no personal information that would allow for the identification of a particular research participant; accordingly, the anonymity and confidentiality of study participants are ensured. The research revealed that during the pandemic period social workers used technical and digital means to provide the following services: development, maintenance, and/or restoration of social skills; intensive crisis management support; assistance to carers and caregivers, guardians on duty, adoptive parents, and family members, or those preparing to become such; and services for social children’s day care. The research revealed that social workers providing special social services communicate with the family through the use of internet communication tools and mobile devices. [...]. [From the publication]

2022-09-02 13:17:22
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