Mokymo(si) strategijų ir metodų taikymas slaugos studijų studentams mokant įrodymais grįstos praktikos

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Mokymo(si) strategijų ir metodų taikymas slaugos studijų studentams mokant įrodymais grįstos praktikos
Alternative Title:
Application of teaching/learning strategies and methods to nursing students in teaching evidence-based
In the Journal:
Social inquiry into well-being [Socialinės gerovės tyrimai]. 2021, 19, 2, p. 37-52
Summary / Abstract:

LTĮrodymais grįsta praktika (ĮGP) slaugoje – tai vienas iš būdų užtikrinti, kad profesinės veiklos praktika būtų paremta pagrįstų ir validžių mokslinių tyrimų įrodymais, kurių pagrindu suformuluojami klinikiniai sprendimai priimtini ne tik slaugos personalui, bet ir pacientui. Pereinant prie aukštesnio slaugos specialistų rengimo lygio, galima įžvelgti esamą teorijos ir praktikos atotrūkį, kuris dar labiau gali išaugti, jeigu nesiimama efektyvių veiksmų peržiūrint studijų programų turinį. Studentams, baigusiems pirmosios pakopos slaugos studijų programas, dažnai trūksta žinių ir įgūdžių, kaip taikyti ĮGP profesinėje veikloje, todėl būtina, kad ĮGP mokymas būtų visiškai įtrauktas į slaugytojų rengimo studijų programas siekiant tinkamai parengti būsimąjį slaugos specialistą. Tyrimo tikslas – išanalizuoti mokymo(si) strategijų ir metodų taikymą slaugos studijų studentams mokant įrodymais grįstos praktikos. Literatūros apžvalga suplanuota ir parašyta laikantis PRISMA reikalavimų. Į šią apžvalgą įtraukta 20 iš 152 straipsnių, kuriuose analizuotos į studentą orientuotos interaktyviojo mokymo(si), konstruktyvaus mokymo(si) ir mokymosi bendradarbiaujant strategijos. Atlikto tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė, kad organizuojant ĮGP mokymą buvo taikoma: pavienio mokymo(si) forma, apimanti seminarą, konferenciją, paskaitą ar e. mokymą ir daugialypio mokymo(si) forma taikant mokymo metodų derinį (pvz.: paskaitos-praktiniai darbai-diskusijos; paskaitos-komandinis darbas-stebėjimas ir pan.). Į tyrimą įtrauktas ir ĮGP penkių žingsnių mokymo modelis taikant interaktyvaus mokymo, „atvirkštinės klasės“ ir „tradicinės klasės“ metodus.Atlikus mokslinių straipsnių analizę apie mokymo(si) strategijų ir metodų taikymą slaugos studijų studentams mokant ĮGP, paaiškėjo, kad autoriai bando sugrupuoti ir suklasifikuoti įvairias mokymo(si) strategijas ir studijų procese taikomus mokymo metodus. Mokant ĮGP slaugos studentus dažniausiai rekomenduojama taikyti konstruktyvaus mokymo(si) ir mokymosi bendradarbiaujant strategijas, pasitelkti tradicinių mokymo metodų derinius, tokius kaip paskaitų, seminarų, diskusijų, mažų grupių ir komandinio mokymosi, atvejų analizės ir individualaus mokymosi. Dėstytojai turėtų prisiimti facilitatorių vaidmenį siekdami tinkamai įgyvendinti ĮGP mokymą ir į studijų procesą aktyviau įtraukti bibliotekininkus ir praktikos mentorius. [Iš leidinio]

ENEvidence-based practice (EBP) in nursing is one of the ways for professional practice to be based on reliable and valid evidence, on which clinical decisions that are acceptable not only to nursing staff but also to the patient can be formulated. After completing the first level of higher education in nursing programs, students often lack the knowledge and skills to apply EBP in their professional activities. It is therefore essential that EBP training be fully integrated into nursing training curricula to properly train future nursing specialists. The education of future nurses must be geared towards EBP education strategies that integrate both the principles of the profession and substantiated scientific evidence, improving the quality of patient care and creating an appropriate educational space for the student (Martins, Baptista, Coutinho, Fernandes, & Fernandes, 2018). However, there is a lack of clearly defined information on how this training space needs to be designed and adapted for effectual EBP training. Many researchers emphasize that higher education institutions in different countries support the teaching of EBP in nursing education. Nevertheless, higher education institutions do not include it entirely in their study programs due to the higher costs of organizing the study process or due to the lack of skills and knowledge of teachers on how to organize EBP training when choosing teaching/learning strategies. According to Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt (2011), teaching/learning strategies must be understandable and easy for all those involved in the learning process, and the integration of EBP must be a natural part of academic culture. The object of this research is the application of teaching/ learning strategies and methods to nursing students in teaching evidence-based practices. The aim of this research is to analyze the application of teaching/learning strategies and methods to nursing students in teaching evidence-based practices.The methods of this research included a literature review, which was planned and written according to the PRISMA requirements. From February to April 2021, a targeted literature search was performed in the EBSCO, PubMed, and ScienceDirect databases. The following keywords were used for this search: evidence-based practice and nursing; education of evidence-based practice; nursing education; and other similar terms with the full-text restriction applied. Criteria for inclusion and exclusion of publications were formulated to ensure the validity of the review of the scientific literature. All scientific publications that met the selection criteria were included in the analysis, and those that did not meet the established criteria were rejected and not included in the literature review. Articles were selected for analysis according to the following selection criteria: articles published in a reviewed scientific journal; full-text articles available in English; articles published from 2010 to 2021; and articles in which the EBP teaching/learning strategies and teaching methods were analyzed. The process of the collection and analysis of data involved the four-stage Grove, Burns, and Gray (2012) method: skimming, comprehension, analysis, and synthesis of sources. The quick review of the articles included reading titles, summaries, and keywords, whereas the critical review was aimed at assessing and understanding their content. The analysis included a breakdown of articles by problematic questions in the research, namely: what EBP teaching/learning strategies are applied in the study process, and what teaching methods are used to teach EBP. Data on the authors, year of publication, research strategy, applied teaching/learning strategy or teaching methods, and conclusions were selected and included in the analysis table.During the synthesis of the articles, the content of the collected information was analyzed, taking into account the theoretical perspective of this research and in order to answer its set goal. The data obtained during the analysis were interpreted according to the ideas of Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt’s (2011) evidence-based theory of nursing practice. The results of the research involved 985 sources. Duplicate articles and articles that did not match search criteria were rejected after reviewing these sources; as such, 20 out of 152 articles were included in this review. These included both direct and mixed educational interventions. The organization of EBP training involved a single educational form – a seminar, conference, lecture, or e-learning – and a multifaceted form of education using a combination of teaching methods, such as: lectures, practical work, and discussions; lectures, teamwork, and observation, etc. The duration of training lasted from a few hours per semester to training during all study time over three or four years. The research included a five-step EBP training model: asking a question, finding information or evidence to answer a question, critically evaluating information or evidence, integrating evaluated evidence through personal clinical experience and patient preferences, and evaluating results obtained. EBP training is organized using interactive teaching/learning, “flipped classroom,” and “traditional classroom” methods. [...]. [From the publication]

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