Mažosios Lietuvos indėlis į lietuvių kultūrą

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Mažosios Lietuvos indėlis į lietuvių kultūrą
Alternative Title:
Contribution of Lithuania Minor (East Prussia) of Lithuanian culture
Publication Data:
Vilnius : Mokslo ir enciklopedijų leidybos institutas, 2008.
285 p
Bibliografija ir asmenvardžių rodyklė.
Pratarmė - Mažoji Lietuva: kraštas ir gyventojai: Mažlietuvių kilmės problema; Prūsijos lietuvių kalba; Reformacija, Kryžiuočių ordino panaikinimas ir Albrechto reformos — Lietuvių raštijos ištakos — Martynas Mažvydas — Wolfenbüttelio postilė — Baltramiejus Vilentas — Jonas Bretkūnas — Simonas Vaišnoras ir rašomosios kalbos sumenkėjimas — Bendros visiems Prūsijos lietuviams rašomosios kalbos atsiradimas: Jonas Rėza; Danielius Kleinas; Rašomoji kalba XVII a. antrojoje pusėje; Valstybės raštinės ir kitų tekstų kalba. Gramatikos. Žodynai — Tolesnė rašomosios kalbos raida: istorinės sąlygos — Rūpinimasis rašomąja kalba — Religinio turinio raštija — Oficialieji raštai — Kalbotyros darbai — Grožinė literatūra: Kristijonas Donelaitis ir kiti autoriai — Lyginamoji kalbotyra — Germanizacija — Frydrichas Kuršaitis ir kiti — Visų lietuvių bendrinės kalbos kilmė — Tarpukario laikotarpis — Mažosios Lietuvos tragedija — Baigiamosios pastabos — Sutrumpinimai — Literatūra — Summary — Zusammenfassung — Резюме — Pavardžių rodyklė.
Summary / Abstract:

LTKaip lituanistui kalbininkui, autoriui labiausiai rūpėjo tos lietuvių kultūros sritys, kurios susijusios su kalba ir jos apraiškomis (literatūra ir kt.), apskritai su filologija bei humanitarine sfera. Kitkas beveik neliečiama, paprastai tik prabėgomis pareiškiamos atskiros pastabos. Jas ateityje turės išplėtoti atitinkamų sričių specialistai, kurie Mažosios Lietuvos įtaką lietuvių kultūrai tirs kitais, šioje knygoje neliestais aspektais. Šiuokart žvelgta vien lituanisto kalbininko akimis. Pasirinktas chronologinis dėstymo būdas. Stengtasi rūpimus dalykus išryškinti nušviečiant Mažosios Lietuvos istoriją. Taip daryta dar ir todėl, kad su Mažosios Lietuvos praeitimi, iš dalies ir dabartimi, mažai tėra susipažinę ne tik eiliniai Lietuvos piliečiai, bet ir daugumas išsilavinusių žmonių. Taigi siekta Mažosios Lietuvos istorijos fone išryškinti šio krašto indėlį į dvasinę (humanitarinę) lietuvių kultūrų. Stengtasi pateikti kuo daugiau su tema susijusių faktų, neretai paliekant pačiam skaitytojui daryti išvadas, tų išvadų jam neprimetant. Tegu iš pateiktų faktų skaitytojas pajunta, kas yra lietuviams Mažoji Lietuva. [Iš Pratarmės]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Rytų Prūsija; Mažoji Lietuva; Karaliaučius; Kaliningrado sritis; Lietuvių kalba; Lietuvių raštija (literatūra); Martynas Mažvydas; Jonas Bretkūnas; Danielius Kleinas; Kristijonas Donelaitis; Liudvikas Rėza; Frydrichas Kuršaitis; Vydūnas. Keywords: East Prussia; Lithuania Minor; Koenigsberg; Kaliningrad region; Lithuanian language; Lithuanian writings (literature); Martynas Mažvydas; Jonas Bretkūnas; Danielius Kleinas; Kristijonas Donelaitis; Liudvikas Rėza; Frydrichas Kuršaitis; Vydūnas.

ENLithuania Minor is what we call that part of the Lithuanian nation that was subjugated by the Crusader Order during the 13th-14th century. For more than seven hundred years it was ruled by the Germans, and now it has been partitioned into the Russified Kaliningrad region and the northeastern edge of Poland as well as the so-called Klaipėda region in the Republic of Lithuania. It is a distinctive ethnocultural region of the Lithuanian nation and has made a huge contribution to the treasury of Lithuanian culture. Here, the first Lithuanian book (1547), grammar (1653), and translation of the Bible (1590) were published, and the first Lithuanian book of fiction appeared (Ezopopasakėčios, 1706). Here, the first university seminar for Lithuanian was established (chair of the Lithuanian language, 1718), the first scholarly work about the Lithuanian language was published (1747), and the first Lithuanian teachers’ college was established (1811). Here, the first Lithuanian poetry appeared, and a masterpiece was written that spread the name of Lithuania - Kristijonas Donelaitis’ Metai (published in 1818). Here, the first periodical in Lithuanian appeared (1822), Lithuanian folklore was first collected, and the first local collection of Lithuanian folk songs was published (1825). Here, the first nationally conscious Lithuanian newspaper was published (Auszra, 1883), and the first Lithuanian ethnographic museum was established (1905). And there are other such firsts. Many more of them could be listed. The beginnings of today’s Lithuanian culture developed in this region. Finally, even the standard Lithuanian language arose not in the territory of the Republic of Lithuania, but in Lithuania Minor. Without Lithuania Minor it is difficult to imagine present-day Lithuania.The purpose of this book is to highlight the huge cultural contribution made by Lithuania Minor. The author could not cover every aspect of culture. As a linguist, he was most concerned about what is connected with language and its manifestations (literature, etc.), about philology and the sphere of the humanities in general. Other matters are almost completely ignored. Occasional comments are usually made only in passing; they will have to be expanded on in the future by specialists qualified to study the influence of Lithuania Minor on Lithuanian culture in ways not touched upon in this book. Here, everything is seen only through the eyes of a Lithuanian linguist. A chronological approach has been chosen. An effort has been made to clarify matters of concern by shedding light on the history of Lithuania Minor. This approach has also been taken because the past of Lithuania Minor - and, in part, its present as well - are little known not only to ordinary citizens but also to most educated people in Lithuania, not to mention people in foreign countries. During the Soviet occupation, the subject of East Prussia was taboo in Lithuania. Lithuanians knew much more about the Carpathians, the Crimea, and even the Tian Shan Mountains than about the neighboring Kaliningrad region. For this reason, this book begins by talking about the origin of the people of East Prussia, acquainting the reader with the local Lithuanian language and its dialects, and discussing the influence of the Reformation on this region as well as the reforms of the last master of the Crusader Order, Albrecht Hohenzollern.Later, much light is shed on the sources of written Lithuanian, the appearance of a standard written language for all of Lithuania Minor, and the development of this language up to the end of the 19th century, when it was brought to Lithuania, adapted to meet the needs of all Lithuanians, and became today’s standard language. The role of comparative linguistics is discussed as well as the harm caused by Germanization. Other issues in the history of Lithuania Minor are also discussed, and this book concludes with the great tragedy that took place in this region at the end of World War II, when Stalin did not distinguish between local Lithuanians and Germans and destroyed everyone indiscriminately. This book strives to present as many facts as possible in connection with its theme. Readers are often left to draw their own conclusions - without external compulsion. The desire has been for readers to understand for themselves, on the basis of these facts, what Lithuania Minor means to Lithuanians. [From the publication]

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