Nematomas mobilumas ir įkasdienintos technologijos. Josvainių miestelio atvejis

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Nematomas mobilumas ir įkasdienintos technologijos. Josvainių miestelio atvejis
Alternative Title:
Invisible mobility and embedded technology. The case of the town of Josvainiai
In the Journal:
Res humanitariae. 2021, t. 29, p. 129-148
Summary / Abstract:

LTŠiame straipsnyje svarstomas klausimas, ar kasdienybė eiliniame mažame Lietuvos miestelyje išties yra nejudri, sustingusi, tuščia ir kartu nemobili. Straipsnyje mobilumas kasdienybėje bus analizuojamas per Josvainių miestelio vietinių gyventojų judėjimo įpročius gyvenvietės viduje ir ryšius su artimiausiais miestais bei užsienyje gyvenančiais artimaisiais. Nagrinėjant mobilumą, dėmesys skiriamas darbui, vartojimui, tarpusavio bendravimui, laisvalaikiui – kasdienio gyvenimo veiklos sritims. Straipsnyje analizuojami lauko tyrimo, vykdyto Josvainių miestelyje 2019 m. liepos – 2020 m. sausio mėn., duomenys. [Iš leidinio]

ENThe main purpose of the article is to examine whether mobility in a town is indeed invisible, and to discuss what everyday life in a town is in terms of mobility. Mobility in this article is mostly related to ways that help a person to move and connect. While analysing everyday life in terms of mobility, the main focus is on such areas as work, consumption, communication and leisure. Mobility is perceived in the article as a certain way or belonging to various networks and connections relating to movement; while movement is treated more as an expression of mobility. Mobility and movement are used as synonyms in the article. On visiting the town of Josvainiai and interacting with the interviewees, it became clear that mobility, both in the town and towards other cities, and even countries, is quite strongly expressed, but almost invisible. Josvainiai really looks motionless and stagnant, but it cannot be said that nothing happens there. People still, even if not extensively, drive or walk their own routes every day, according to their routines. However, the daily mobility of the town’s residents is highly planned, and, as a result, it is almost invisible. Thus, a knowledge of the routines of the townspeople and the movement associated with them helped to see a specific and seemingly imperceptible mobility. It was noticed that the movement in the town is planned and ordered; there are no coincidences, no stops to chat ‘just for the sake of it’. People rarely leave home for the daily little things in life, and combine several activities into one. The highly structured daily routines, and the same movement that emerges from them, give the impression that nothing happens in the town.The mobility of the residents of Josvainiai is also manifested by technical means, such as a car, the internet, or a telephone. These means that have become daily means also make a person’s movement invisible, as movement in the digital space is invisible to anyone except the participants involved in it. To sum up, it can be said that the planned routines and the technologies widely used in the everyday life of townspeople determine that the everyday life of the town not only looks but is very calm and immobile in terms of mobility. [From the publication]

1822-7708; 2538-922X
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