On the evaluation of the effectiveness of states' measures to overcome the Covid-19 crisis: statistics and common sense

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Sklaidos publikacijos / Dissemination publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Anglų kalba / English
On the evaluation of the effectiveness of states' measures to overcome the Covid-19 crisis: statistics and common sense
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Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Pasaulio ekonomika, politinės ir profesinės sąjungos, tarptautiniai santykiai, tvarus vystymasis, antikrizinis valdymas, covid-19. Keywords: Global economy, political and trade unions, international relations, sustainable development, anti-crisis governance, covid-19.

ENThis investigation is dedicated to the endeavor of critical analysis of the measures that countries and their governments have carried out in order to mitigate the consequences of covid-19 pandemic. The main issues are: Were these measures relevant and effective, or they simply led to the chaos and decline of national economies as well as to the crash of trusts into the powers of current transnational unions and treaties? What was the role of the international organizations such as un and who? Can we consider the actions of russian government as sufficient and timely? Do we enter the new era of political and financial relations?. [From the publication]

2022-11-29 07:26:15
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