Ancient Lithuanian calendar festivals

Sklaidos publikacijos / Dissemination publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Anglų kalba / English
Ancient Lithuanian calendar festivals
Publication Data:
Kaunas : Vytautas Magnus University ; 2014.
183 p
Foreword — Culture and the Rhythms of Nature: the Peasant (Folk) Calendar — Advent — Christmas Eve — Epiphany — Shrovetide — St George’s Day — Easter — Pentecost — St John’s Day — Harvest Home — Assumption Day — All Souls’ Day — The Power of Tradition: the Peasant and Magic — Myth in the Peasant Calendar — For Further Reading — Main Bibliography.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Lietuvių tradicijos ir papročiai; Kalendorinės šventės; Šventiniai ritualai; Valstiečių kalendorius. Keywords: Lithuanian traditions and customs; Calendar festivals; Festive rituals; Peasant calendar.

ENThis aim of this book is to present ancient Lithuanian calendar festivals that were celebrated by peasants living in the rural areas of Lithuania. The author’s main interest is focused on the in-depth meaning of customs and rituals. Chronologically the book considers the period from the 14th to the first half of the 20th century (even though the main focus is on the 19th to the first half of the 20th centuries), therefore, it does not provide information on New Year’s celebrations, St Valentine’s Day or other festivals that are popular now but were not known to Lithuanian peasants until the beginning of the 20th century. The target readership of this book is manifold. While writing it, the author, first of all, thought about Lithuanians in diaspora, spread right around the world. Representatives of the third generation, regardless of their affection towards their native culture, rarely speak Lithuanian. This is predetermined by the surroundings of where they live – the natural aim to integrate into the surrounding social environment, which always becomes a stimulus in the processes of acculturation. However, language is not the main factor that determines the individual’s national-cultural identity, and the relationship between generations sooner or later stimulates interest in the sources of the culture of one’s ancestors. [From the Foreword]

9786094670183; 9789955346481; 9786094670176; 9789955344674
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