Jėzaus Draugijos generolo korespondencija su Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės piliečiais: temos ir adresatai

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Jėzaus Draugijos generolo korespondencija su Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės piliečiais: temos ir adresatai
Alternative Title:
Correspondence between superior general of the Society of Jesus and the citizens of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania: subjects and addressees
In the Journal:
Senoji Lietuvos literatūra [Early Lithuanian literature]. 2020, 50, p. 192-234
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnis skirtas Jėzaus Draugijos Romos archyve (daugiausia – fonduose "Germania" ir "Epistolae Nostrorum", taip pat fonduose "Polonia" ir "Epistolae Externorum") saugomai XVII a. – XVIII a. vid. Ordino generolo korespondencijai su Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės piliečiais. Laiškai, kurių adresatai / adresantai buvo Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės piliečiai, apžvelgiami teminiu principu, išskiriant padėkos, prašymo, užuojautos pareiškimus, rekomendacijas, prašymus tarpininkauti, laiškus fundacijų ir Marijos sodalicijų reikalais, konfliktų reguliavimui skirtą epistoliką, prašymus dėl Jėzaus Draugijos narių šventimų paankstinimo, dėl jų paskyrimo tam tikroms pareigoms, taip pat dėl kandidatų priėmimo (ir buvusių jėzuitų grąžinimo) į ordiną. [Iš leidinio]

ENThe article surveys the content of the corpus of written communication between Father General of the Society of Jesus and the ‘externs’ (non-Jesuits) from the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, which covers the period of the seventeenth–mideighteenth century and is preserved in the collections ‘Germania’ (ca. 250 letters of the Father General), ‘Polonia’ (six letters of Lithuanian magnates), ‘Epistolae Nostrorum’ (ca. 100 letters of the Father General), and ‘Epistolae Externorum’ (30 letters of the Lithuanian magnates) in the Roman Archives of the Society of Jesus. On the margins of the mainstream analysis, some details concerning the process of communication (for example, oral messages, ways and terms of delivery of the letters) are noted. The correspondents of the Father General were predominantly either magnates of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (both secular lords and Catholic bishops of Latin and Greek rites) or male individuals of different ages and social status. In most cases, the latter appealed (usually once, but sometimes as many as two and even three times) to the General asking for admission (or re-admission) to the Society. It is worth noticing that the request of only one exJesuit (out of 25 who asked for readmission and letters to whom were preserved) was finally accepted.The main topics dealt with the magnates were matters concerning new donations for the Society, pleas of the nobles for the assignment of (certain) Jesuits for certain offices (predominantly private chaplains of the court) and providing them with certain dispensations (for instance, privileges of anticipation of the holy orders), as well as granting secular benefactors with spiritual graces of the Society. Other cases include reciprocal recommendations and requests for mediation, while more formal letters express gratitude, greetings, and condolences. The last group of letters addressed to the persons entrusted Father Provincial with the final decision, sometimes promising just some sort of a (weaker or stronger) recommendation. Only in rare cases did Father General express his clear opinion and provide corresponding orders. [From the publication]

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