LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Vilnius; Lenkai; Kultūra; Tarpkultūrinė bendruomenė. Keywords: Vilnius; Poles; Culture; Intercultural community.
ENA mutual permeation, mixing of cultures and, as a consequence, forming of many cultural borderlands within one structure are features specific to the contemporary multiculturalism. Subsequently, external and internal relations and links within such structure construct and conceptualize its inwards areas where cultural diversities remain in a defined relationships, i.e. conflict or agreement. Thus, referring to the category of the place is of key importance, as it entails the domain of experiencing multicultural specificity, determines the cultural identity, and shapes social and cultural identities of the individuals and groups. Notwithstanding, it contributes to the emergence and coming into existence of public practices, which meaning and sense are of (multi)cultural provenance. [Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Wroclawskiego]