Gubernijos laikotarpis Kauno architektūroje: svarbiausi pastatai ir ir jų kūrėjai (1843-1915)

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Gubernijos laikotarpis Kauno architektūroje: svarbiausi pastatai ir ir jų kūrėjai (1843-1915)
Alternative Title:
Government period in the architecture of Kaunas
Publication Data:
Kaunas : Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto leidykla, 2001.
178 p
Bibliografija prie skyrių ir asmenvardžių rodyklė.
I dalis. Gubernijos laikotarpio (1843-1915) Kaunas: Gubernijos laikotarpio architektūra: vertinimai ir tyrinėjimai; Amžininkų aprašymai; Senieji informaciniai leidiniai; Naujasis planas; Svarbiausi pastatai; Kultūros faktai; Gyventojų ir pastatų statistika; Statybų reglamentavimas; Utopiniai projektai; Kauno tvirtovė; Pastatų užsakovai; Architektai; Architektūros bruožai; Naujamiestis šiandien — II dalis. Architektūros objektų katalogas: Sakraliniai pastatai ; Tvirtovės pastatai; Mokyklos; Valstybinių įstaigų pastatai; Ligoninės; Kultūros pastatai; Privatūs įstaigų nuomoti pastatai; Novobazamaja (Vienybės); Viešbučiai, užeigos ir kt.; Pramonės objektai; XIX a. vidurio nuomojami namai; XIX a. pabaigos nuomojami namai; XX a. pradžios nuomojami namai; Dvareliai ir sodybiniai namai; Mediniai miesto namai — III dalis. Kauno architektų kūrybinės biografijos: Andrejevas, Anichini, Baglajus, Bertgoldtas, Biševskis, Busirskis, Ciškevičius, Dmitrijevas, Dobroliubovas, Dombrovskis E., Dombrovskis V., Dorofejevskis, Dubovikas, Ferijeri A., Ferijeri P., Frykas, Golinevičius, Gorskis, Helmholcas, Hofmanas, Ignatjevas, Ikonnikovas, Inostrancevas, Ivanovas, Janovskis, Kolosovskis, Kosinskis, Kozlovskis, Kulakovskis, Kulikovskis, Legeckis, Limarenka, Malinovskis, Mikvicas, Mošinskis, Nabokovas, Nepliujevas, Nevinskis, Paškevičius, Piotrovičius, Polonskis, Polozovas, Rabcevičius, Ralfas, Samborskis, Serbinovičius, Serocinskis, Skrynnikovas, Slepovronskis, Sroka, Špakovskis, Štrauchas, Timofejevas, Tyzenhauzas, Ušakovas, Vereščinskis, Vinteris, Viranovskis, Visockis, Voleris — Губернский период в архитектуре Каунаса — The Government Period in the Architecture of Kaunas — Santrumpos — Asmenvardžių rodyklė.
Summary / Abstract:

LTŠios knygos svarbiausias tikslas - pateikti išsamią faktografiją, duomenis mokslinei bei praktinei apyvartai. Tiek įvadinė dalis, tiek apybraižos apie pastatus paremtos istoriniais šaltiniais. Žinių apie gubernijos laikotarpio Kauną ir jo architektūrą randame XIX a. II pusės - XX a. pradžios spaudoje bei archyviniuose dokumentuose. Didžioji dalis panaudotos medžiagos yra iš Kauno apskrities archyvo fondų, kita - iš Rusijos centrinio istorijos archyvo Sankt-Peterburge ir Karo istorijos archyvo Maskvoje. Archyvuose išsaugota labai daug pastatų projektų, natūros brėžinių. Pastarąją informaciją papildo senos fotografijos, atvirukai, piešiniai. Vizuali medžiaga padeda išaiškinti pastatų perstatymus bei griovimus. Ji surinkta iš įvairių muziejų bei privačių kolekcijų. Apybraižos sugrupuotos į skyrelius pagal tipologiją (sakraliniai pastatai, tvirtovės objektai, mokyklos, administraciniai pastatai, ligoninės, privatūs įstaigoms skirti pastatai, viešbučiai, pramonės objektai, nuomojami ir sodybiniai namai). Sudaryta ištisinė apybraižų numeracija, padėsianti skaitytojui greičiau surasti dominantį objektą. Knygos pabaigoje pateiktas Kaune ir gubernijoje dirbusių architektų žodynas. Dalis informacijos peržengia chronologinę 1915 m. ribą, tačiau ji būtina norint atskleisti nuoseklią gubernijos laikotarpio objektų raidą (fiksuojami pakitimai iki 1940 m., kai kurie reikšmingesni - ir iki šių dienų). [Iš teksto, p. 8]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Kauno architektūra; Gubernijos laikotarpis; Miesto planavimas; Pastatų statyba; Tvirtovė; Bažnyčia; Gyvenamasis namas; Gamykla; Tramvajus; Architektas; Inžinierius. Keywords: Architecture of Kaunas; Government Period; City layout; Building; Fortress; Church; Dwelling-house; Factory; Tram; Architect; Engineer.

ENErections dating back to the second half of the 19th and the beginning of the 20"’ century make up a considerable architectural heritage of Kaunas. During that period (1843-1915) the town Kovno was the center of established government. The building of that time has not been thoroughly researched yet. Such historians and architectural researchers as V.Černeckis, A.Miškinis, JJurkštas carried out some aspects of its research. The 3rd volume of History of Lithuanian architecture (Lietuvos architektūros istorija. III, V., 2000) includes the chapter concerning Kaunas’ architecture. However, it does not consider to full extent the heritage of government town. The present book consists of three parts. The first part gives a general review of building situation and highlights stylistic and typological peculiarities of architecture. The second part presents 71 illustrated outline of separate buildings, while the third part introduces the glossary of architects who worked in Kovno since 1843 until 1915. The outlines describe ecclesiastic buildings, a military fortress, schools, state and private buildings functioning as offices, and also hotels, industrial objects, lease houses and village-type living houses. The data is based on archive material (research was carried out in the archives of Kaunas, St.Petersburg and Moscow).The old photographs post-cards and drawings were collected from different Lithuanian museums and private collections. The most significant published material is an informational publication entitled Ковенская губерния за 1843-1893 г. Коена, 1893 and Gukovsky’s outline (К.Гуковский. Город Коена. Краткий исторический очерк Ковенской губернии. Коена, 1904), and also Памятные книжки Ковенской губернии, published since 1845 until 1915. They give information on performed construction works and also the lists of offices, some dates and addresses. After Kaunas had become the center of government a city plan was drawn up and the Czar confirmed it in 1847. A decision was made to build up a deserted territory lying to the east from the city wall. The territory was divided into the network of rectangular quarters and was named The New Plan (presently - Naujamiestis). The main street of the new part (Nikolajevskij prospekt) was designed as a boulevard. Plots (the total number of them was 411) were being sold in auctions by city authorities. The plan envisaged the sites for construction of diverse state offices and arrangement of 3 city gardens. Streets were paved, a part of houses were built in almost 20 years. By the end of the century Nikolajevskij prospect had been formed into perimeter structure. The growing population enhanced the development of the town. In 1843 the population of Kovno was 14297 inhabitants. In 1893 it increased to 61500 inhabitants, and in 1910 it reached the number of 79715. The number of population grew up 5,6 times more in 70 years time. According to statistical data of 1896 Jewish people comprised the majority of population (more than 35000).The second largest community was the Orthodox and this was due to fortress garrison (15,4 thousand), while the Catholic community which was represented by Lithuanian and Polish people was the third in number (10,7 thousand). At the beginning of the 20-th century the Catholic population increased twice. The Jewish population became considerably larger in the 1870’s, when the decree allowing them to live in all parts of the town was launched; but its number stabilized in the course of time. Until 1863 there served many Catholics in government offices. The Polish-Lithuanian rebellion caused a strong reaction of Czar authorities - Russian government officials were sent and they were paid 50% of reward in addition to their salary. In 50 years time (1860-1910) there 2148 new houses were built. Stone buildings comprised 17% in 1861 and in 1910 - 31%. Real estate was owned by religious communities (Orthodox, Catholic, Lutheran and Jewish), state and city administration, different societies and private persons. In 1893 Kovno had 10 Orthodox sanctuaries (3 of them were converted from Catholic shrines), 6 Catholic churches, 1 Lutheran church, 1 synagogue, and 20 ordinary Jewish prayer houses. Government buildings were under the authority of Government Road and Building Commission. During the middle of the 19th century many constructions corresponding to the status of government center were planned. However, these plans of district hospital, postoffice, a large trade house, headquarters of Governor turned out to be unrealistic. Among the most significant government buildings erected during the Government period were a Prison, transformed Headquarters of Governor, Boys’ and Girls’ gymnasiums, Vocational School, Department of the State Bank. A complex of Railway Station was started in 1862 and in 1879 a first class Military Fortress was established. [...]. [From the publication]

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