LTMokslo studijoje analizuojami visos dienos mokyklos įgyvendinimo modeliai bei visos dienos mokyklos veiklos efektyvumo tyrimai skirtingose Europos šalyse; esamos visos dienos mokyklos praktikos ir jų veiklos organizavimo ir finansavimo būdai Lietuvoje; Lietuvos švietimo, sveikatos, socialinių ir kultūros paslaugų teisinis reglamentavimas, poreikis ir prieinamumas vaikams. Mokslo studijoje pristatomi Lietuvoje atlikto švietimo, sveikatos, socialinių ir kultūros paslaugų poreikio ir prieinamumo vaikams ir jų tėvams (globėjams, rūpintojams) tyrimo rezultatai. Leidinys rekomenduojamas pedagoginei bendruomenei, švietimo politikos formuotojams, mokslininkams ir visiems besidomintiems mokyklos kaita. [Leidėjo anotacija]
ENThe main education policy trajectories are naturally changing in the light of society‘s transformation and globalization processes. G. Steiner-Khamsi claims, that education system’ reforms which aim to implement welfare state principles are being intensively developing during last two decades. The main development principle of welfare state is transition from social protection to social stimulation system, which essence is the right to education. However, the universal idea of welfare is more and more influenced by close relation between education policies and marked- oriented globalised economy. In nowadays societies thousands of children and teenagers are spending they after school time without adults care. Due to changes in employment models and family structures many parents are not able to ensure care of children after school. According to research children from single parent or divorced families become especially vulnerable. Research in USA shows close relation among afterschool time and children’s experienced emotions, behaviour problems, criminal activities, drug abuse. In order to ensure child welfare, equal academic opportunities and to diminish social exclusion EU countries implemented political measures which led to realization of all day school conception. It is important to emphasise that in some countries (for ex., Germany, Greece, Finland, Slovakia, England, Portugal, Cyprus) implementation of all day school models are empirically investigated, assessed and evaluated. According to C. B. Geppert, S. Hofmann and T. Hopmann41, all day schooling is necessary reaction to structural changes in society and family, social inequality, unequal education opportunities. Education politicians name all day school conception as an attractive measure for ensuring children equal rights to education and educational support. Institutionalization of all day school is not new phenomenon in education.I. Thoidis and N. Chaniotakis state that many countries (for ex., UK, France, Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Denmark, Portugal, Greece, Cyprus) have more or less experience in all day school implementation. Obviously, all day school model is widespread in Western and Eastern Europe, however, its implementation is divers, includes various all day school types, education forms, etc. There is no universal all days school definition (for ex., longer school day [in English], ολοήμερο [olonmero, in Greek], Programa Escola a Tempo Inteiro [in Portugeese], joustava koulupäivä or eheytetty koulupäivä [in Finish], Ganztagsschule [in German], szkoła dzienna [in Polish], etc). There are differences between countries and inside schools of the same country in all day school conception, need, ways of implementation. In most cases all day school is defined as regular school in which schooling time is longer, curriculum is extended, extra activities in close connection with regular lessons‘ topics are organised, pedagogical and educational schoolchildren needs are emphasised. One of the commonality between countries is long hours which schoolchildren spend at school; however, the exact amount of hours which would allow naming a school as all day school is not defined in “Eurydice” publications. Accessibility of education, education quality assurance, equal opportunities enlisted as important aims in the most strategic documents of states, including Lithuania. The Programme of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania states the special attention to better education accessibility and schools variation, strives that school would become not only place for leaning but also cultural center, in which values are placed and social responsible mature personality is educated. School is the place where community gathers for solving relevant their children and common educational challenges.State Education Strategy 2013–2022 rises the goal to assure accessibility of education and equal opportunities by maximally developing the educational coverage of children and young people and giving the best opportunities for flourishing personal abilities. The Startegy also aims to meet special educational needs, to provide effective pedagogical and psychological support for children who face learning challenges. Scientific problem and research object. Above mentioned theoretical insights, foreign research and Lithuanian strategic documents give a solid background to the implementation of all day school conception, e.g. for developing a school in which formal and not-formal education is interconnected; attention is paid to individual needs and achievements, emotional, physical health and safety; where every member of the community is valued and invited to participate. However, despite favourable official opinion, many questions rise: what are the real possibilities for such a school? Are there necessary legal regulations? Is in the country accumulated enough practical experience? Would parents support the idea? What is real need for such school? For starting all day school conception implementation in the country it is necessary to find out opinion and needs of all stakeholders, to investigate national and international experience of all day school implementation, to analyse national legislation. Research object is the need and possibilities for all day school in Lithuania. Research goal is to analyse the necessity of all day school, the need and real possibilities for educational, health, social and cultural services provided in all day school. [...]. [From the publication]