Probleminiai nusikaltimų valstybės ir visuomenės tarnybai klausimai tarpukario Lietuvoje

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Probleminiai nusikaltimų valstybės ir visuomenės tarnybai klausimai tarpukario Lietuvoje
Alternative Title:
Problems of public service offences in interwar period Lithuania
In the Journal:
Teisės mokslo pavasaris. 2016, 2016, p. 71-84
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje apžvelgiamos esminės nusikaltimų valstybės ir visuomenės tarnybai problemos, plačiai analizuojama tarnautojo ir valdininko sąvoka, procesinės bylos iškėlimo ypatybės tarpukario Lietuvoje. Pateikiama nusikaltimų tarnybai statistika, analizuojamos šių nusikaltimų tendencijos ir pagrindiniai jų struktūros rodikliai. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Nusikaltimai valstybės tarnybai; Tarnautojas; Tarpukario Lietuva; Statistika. Keywords: Crimes against public service; Clerk; Interwar Lithuania; Statistics.

ENThere were two major problems over the terms ‘public servant’ and ‘clerk’. First, private people, freely employed public servants or clerks who gained any public functions despite form of this appointment was under the mentioned terms. Second, relation between those who were giving orders and those who were executing them sometimes merge between and it takes a lot of effort by courts to distinguish. The procedural problems took around suing the public servants both in general way and specifi c too. On the one side, it was not fully regulated 34th article of Lithuanian courts and its organizational act which led to obstacles to identify legal actions by State Defender and directors of state institution. On the other side, the specifi cs of suing public servants that was established in every Constitution during interwar period, basically was not functional mainly due to overthrow of government in 1927 and results of this. The statistics demonstrate few conclusions: 1) a low number of convicts in crimes of public service was infl uenced by intern and external factors in Lithuania during interwar period; 2) a low number of convicted women was mainly affected by the low numbers of employed women in public service at that time; 3) the most common group of convicted people were between age of 21 and 39 years. [From the publication]

2345-0878; 2538-8916
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