Migracija: rytų ir pietryčių Lietuva 1944-1989 metais

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Migracija: rytų ir pietryčių Lietuva 1944-1989 metais
Alternative Title:
Migration: East and South East Lithuania in 1944-1989
Publication Data:
Vilnius : Lietuvos istorijos institutas, 2020.
255 p
Bibliografija, asmenvardžių ir vietovardžių rodyklės.
Pratarmė — Įvadas — Apie migracijos tyrimo teorijas — Rytų ir pietryčių Lietuva XX a. viduryje: etniniai demografiniai bruožai — Nuo suvaržymų iki liberalėjimo: sovietinė migracinė politika Lietuvoje 1944-1989 m.: Migracinės politikos tikslai ir tarpsniai; Homogenizacijos plano įgyvendinimas: demografinė krizė regione ir jos įveikimas (1944-1946); Vilniaus miesto demografinės krizės įveikimas 1945-1946 m.: mobilizacija ir verbavimas; Rytų ir Pietryčių Lietuvos kaimo gyventojų skaičiaus didinimo planai ir jų įgyvendinimas; Ar buvo Vilniaus ir jo krašto demografinio lituanizavimo planas? — Rytų-vakarų kryptis: nuo priverstinės iki savanoriškos migracijos (XX a. 5-9 dešimtmečiai): Priverstinė migracija regione 1945-1953 m.; „Nusprendžiau su šeima važiuoti į Lenkiją.” Regiono gyventojų migracija į užsienį (XX a. 6-9 dešimtmečiai); „Amžiaus statybos”: regiono gyventojai darbo migracijoje kituose SSRS Regionuose; Regionas migracijų iš SSRS kontekste — Tarp Lietuvos kaimo ir miesto: Žemės ūkio kolektyvizavimas ir migraciniai jo padariniai; Regiono gyventojų perkėlimo į kitus Lietuvos regionus akcija XX a. šeštojo dešimtmečio pirmoje pusėje; Politinio gyvenimo liberalėjimo atspindžiai migracijos politikoje; Tremtinių ir politinių kalinių sugrįžimas ir prisitaikymas; Sovietinis vienkiemių naikinimas ir regiono gyventojų migracija — Migracinių procesų kontrolės mechanizmas - visuotinis gyventojų pasportizavimas ir registravimas — Migracija ir tarpetniniai santykiai regione — Išvados — Šaltiniai ir literatūra — Santrumpų sąrašas — Migration: East and South East Lithuania in 1944-1989 — Migracja a Litwa Wschodnia i Południowo-Wschodnia w latach 1944-1989 — Asmenvardžių rodyklė — Vietovardžių rodyklė.
Summary / Abstract:

LTXX a. vyko labai intensyvi Europos gyventojų migracija. Geopolitiniai pokyčiai lėmė, kad šis procesas vyko ir Lietuvos teritorijoje, ypač jos rytinėje ir pietrytinėje dalyje. Monografijoje nagrinėjama, kaip migracija - tiek priverstinė, tiek savanoriška - keitė Vilnių ir Rytų bei Pietryčių Lietuvą sovietmečiu (1944-1989), kokią įtaką ji darė Vilniaus lituanizavimui, regiono demografinei ir etninei raidai, gyventojų tarpusavio santykiams, žmonių likimams. [Anotacija knygoje]

ENThe evolution of East and South East Lithuania in the second half of the 20th century was strongly affected by migration in various directions. It was this multi-directional movement that formed today's ethno-demographic face of the region. No other region in Lithuania experienced such drastic demographic transformations in the middle and second half of the 20th century as South and South East Lithuania. This monograph reveals how migration affected the situation in South and South East Lithuania during the period under Soviet governance (1944-1989), also, migration process indicators, their dynamics and results are discussed. The book consists of seven chapters. The first one presents theories analysing migration and how they can be applied. The second discusses the ethnic demographic characteristics of the region being studied in the mid-20th century. It was then that the greatest demographic shifts took place that determined long-term changes, especially in the ethnic sphere. Chapter 3 analyses the Soviet government's migration policy in Lithuania and its expression in the region being studied, paying special attention to how demographic issues in Vilnius City were being solved. Chapter 4 of the monograph discusses forced and voluntary migration in the region: ranging from deportation to Siberia (1945-1953) and migration to Poland in the post-war years to the "construction of the century" projects in the east of the USSR (1970s-1980s). Chapter 5 is dedicated to migration process between rural and urban areas in Lithuania. The agricultural reforms implemented by the Soviet government pushed the rural population towards migration.The centre of attraction in this region was Vilnius, where most of those who had left rural areas wished to settle. They were in competition against citizens from the other USSR republics, for whom Vilnius was also a very attractive place to live. Chapter 6 analyses in detail how the Soviet government regulated and controlled migration process. The main instruments were the universal passportisation of the Lithuanian population and mandatory registration of one's place of residence. The final chapter in the monograph shows how migration processes affected inter-ethnic relations in this region. At the end of the monograph, the author formulated the following conclusions: One of the distinguishing features of East and South East Lithuania is the migration experiences that formed the identity of the region's population throughout the whole 20th century. Particularly intensive migration processes into and from this region occurred at the end of World War II, when the era of Soviet rule commenced. Application of the migrations mechanism determined rather radical quantitative and qualitative changes in the region (proportions of rural and urban populations and the ethnic and social structure were being altered, the depopulation of certain locations was programmed, the natural development of certain ethnic group communities (Poles) was halted, etc.). At this point, the government implemented a demographic "modernisation" of the region, replacing specific members of the population with others. After the Soviet occupation of 1944, Lithuania and its population was drawn into the general implementation of Soviet migration policy that was unfolding across the whole USSR. It went through a number of stages: from the restriction and strict control of migration processes (the Stalinist years) to their gradual liberalisation (1954-1989).Through the implementation of the different stages of migration policy from 1944 to 1989, the Soviet government pursued the following goals: 1) political - the effective Sovietisation of occupied territories, including East and South East Lithuania, and the eradication of the reasons interrupting this process (imprisonment, deportation or relocation of members of the population opposing and disagreeing with the Soviet government, sending politically reliable cadres from other republics to Lithuania, etc.). In order to realise this goal, forced migration was organised in this region (eastand westward), which was very broadly applied in 1944-1953; 2) a shift towards the implementation of socio-economic goals in migration policy in the 1950s-1980s. Organised migration intensified the industrialisation and agricultural development of other regions in the Soviet empire (Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, etc.). The population of East and South East Lithuania became participants in this kind of migration, going to work on construction, transport, forestry and agricultural projects in other regions across the USSR. However, the migration flows took two directions: several hundred thousand residents from the other republics joined in the rapidly developing industrial and transport sectors in Lithuania. The quantitative expression of this migration balance was as follows: around 75,000 people were sent out of Lithuania as part of work migration measures in 1953-1987, most of whom returned after their employment contracts expired; at the end of the Soviet period, 375,800 (10 percent) residents of Lithuania were born beyond the republics boundaries; if we subtract 80,000 former deportees and political prisoners and their descendants, we are left with around 300,000 arrivals from other Soviet regions. Many of these people settled in Vilnius and the Vilnius Region. [...]. [From the publication]

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