Nuotolinio mokymo

Sklaidos publikacijos / Dissemination publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Nuotolinio mokymo/si pandeminiu laikotarpiu ypatumai aukštojo mokslo institucijoje
Alternative Title:
Peculiarities of distance teaching/learning in the pandemic period at a higher education institution
Summary / Abstract:

LTPrasidėjusi pasaulinė Covid-19 pandemija atnešė kardinalius pokyčius į švietimo sistemą, kai per trumpą laiką buvo pereita nuo įprastinio prie nuotolinio mokymo/si. Straipsnyje pateikiama užsienio mokslininkų analogiškų tyrimų, susijusių su mokymo/si pokyčiais aukštajame moksle pandeminiu laikotarpiu, rezultatų apžvalga. Siekiant atskleisti nuotolinio mokymo/si karantino laikotarpiu ypatumus, Kauno kolegijoje buvo atliktas tyrimas, kuriame dalyvavo Verslo ir Technologijų fakultetų studentai. Gauti tyrimo rezultatai leidžia teigti, kad, mokantis nuotoliniu būdu studentai patiria tiek teigiamą, tiek neigiamą poveikį. Mokymas/is per nuotolį sudaro prielaidas studentų savarankiškumui augti ir tobulinti IT įgūdžius, tačiau neigiamai veikia studentų psichinę, emocinę ir fizinę sveikatą. Reikšminiai žodžiai: Nuotolinis mokymas; Pandeminis laikotarpis. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Nuotolinis mokymas; Pandeminis laikotarpis. Keywords: Distance teaching and learning; Pandemic period.

ENDistance learning is considered a viable alternative in the current global health crisis. In a relatively short period, teaching and learning methods have changed, which is likely to have had an impact on academic performance. In order to meet the needs of students and the entire academic community, it is necessary to properly organize studies at a distance, which would not only ensure academic integrity, but also encourage students’ activity in the learning process. The relevance of the article lies in the problem that distance teaching/learning, which has become long-term due to objective circumstances (global coronavirus pandemic), has a significant negative impact on students’ mental, emotional and physical health, but is inevitable during that period. For this purpose, the research on peculiarities of distance teaching and learning at Kaunas University of Applied Sciences (KUAS) has been carried out. Students of the Faculties of Business and Technology at the KUAS participated in the study. Quantitative research method was applied. The article presents multiple, varied global practices of distance teaching and learning, additionally, it introduces to, and gives analysis of the results of the survey aimed at the possible improvement of the students’ mental, emotional and physical health. The conclusions have been drawn that distance learning increases students’ interactivity, improves online communication, and IT skills. Although students have a better access to virtual learning environment, they still face psychological and social challenges such as down-grading motivation and responsibility, inadequate involvement in the learning process, reluctance to independently make decisions, negative emotions and forced self-isolation.Based on the results of the study, it can be stated that distance learning is acceptable and effective under current circumstances. The choice to study in the traditional environment may be determined by the lack of communication with the group-mates and the necessity to interact with the teacher face-to-face. Distance learning can be considered as an attractive alternative to traditional learning due to the ability to save time and money, combine studies and work, and study anywhere and anytime. It is, however, closely related to the emergence of negative emotions and deteriorated general well-being. Keywords: Distance teaching and learning; Pandemic period. [From the publication]

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