Socialinių dalininkų bendradarbiavimo svarba vykdant inžinerijos studijų krypčių grupės studijas Alytaus kolegijoje

Sklaidos publikacijos / Dissemination publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Socialinių dalininkų bendradarbiavimo svarba vykdant inžinerijos studijų krypčių grupės studijas Alytaus kolegijoje
Alternative Title:
Importance of cooperation of stakeholders in conducting studies of the group of engineering study fields at Alytus College
Summary / Abstract:

LTInžinerijos, kaip ir kitų krypčių, studijos kolegijose siejamos su darniu regiono vystymu bendradarbiaujant su vietos bendruomenės, verslo ir valdžios atstovų grupėmis. Šių grupių bendradarbiavimas sudaro prielaidas rengti ir vykdyti kokybiškas studijų programas, skirtas suteikti studentams darbo rinkai ir visuomeniniam gyvenimui aktualius gebėjimus. Socialinių dalininkų bendradarbiavimo efektyvumo neįmanoma užtikrinti teisiniais dokumentais, jo svarbą ir tikslingumą turi suvokti tiek aukštosios mokyklos akademinė bendruomenė, tiek ir pačios organizacijos bei darbdaviai. Vien tik mokslo institucijos ir socialinių dalininkų efektyvus bendradarbiavimas nėra įmanomas be vyriausybės ir savivaldos institucijų dalyvavimo, sukuriant tam tinkamas sąlygas ir skatinimo priemones. Reikšminiai žodžiai: Socialiniai dalininkai; Inžinerijos studijų krypčių grupė; Bendradarbiavimas. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Socialiniai dalininkai; Inžinerijos studijų krypčių grupė; Bendradarbiavimas. Keywords: Stakeholders; Group of engineering study fields; Cooperation.

ENEngineering, like other fields of studies at colleges, are linked to the sustainable development of the region in collaboration with goups of the local community, business and the members of governmen. The cooperation of these groups provides preconditions for preparation and implementation of high quality study programmes during which the student is provided with the skills relevant to the labour market and public life. The effectiveness of the stakeholder cooperation cannot be guaranteed by legal documents alone, its importance and expediency must be understood both by the academic community of the higher education institution and by the organizations and employers themselves. Effective cooperation between a academic institution and social stakeholders is not possible without involvement of the governmental and local authorities, creating the right conditions and incentives for this. The aim of the research is to evaluate the importance of cooperation of social stakeholders when conducting studies of the group of engineering study fields at Alytus College. Objectives of the reseach: 1. To identify possible objectives and areas for cooperation at the level of the stakeholder institution and the study programmes. 2.To present the analysis of the research results, distinguishing the assessment of the aspects of importance of cooperation between lecturers and social stakeholders in the implementation of studies in the group of engineering study fields.3.To identify possible solutions for the improvement of cooperation of social stakeholders in the implementation of engineering studies. Research methods: analysis of scientific literature and legal documents, survey and generalization. The results of the research show that social stakeholders mostly cooperate in organizing and conducting students’ internships. According to stakeholders, this area contributes most effectively to the quality of specialist training while the teachers consider the areas of participation in the preparation and updating of study programmes as more important. It is also noticeable that teachers would be more willing to involve stakeholders in the teaching of certain subjects and modules. Seeking to increase the cooperation of social stakeholders in the study process in the future, the social partners emphasized the lack of the governmental and local government policies and the appropriate approach to this issue. Businesses are proposing to introduce clear and reasonable incentives, such as tax relief, local government support for business and more. Stakeholders also note that they expect a greater initiative from a research institution in collaboration, while at the same time they emphasize that there is a continuous development of collaborative traditions in college studies. Keywords: Stakeholders; Group of engineering study fields; Cooperation. [From the publication]

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