Lietuvių kalbos variantai: tyrėjo ir paprastojo kalbos bendruomenės nario perspektyvos

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Lietuvių kalbos variantai: tyrėjo ir paprastojo kalbos bendruomenės nario perspektyvos
Alternative Title:
Lithuanian language variants: perspectives of researcher and ordinary member of language community
Publication Data:
Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 2020.
347 p
Paveikslų ir lentelių sąrašas — Pratarmė — Įvadas — Tyrėjo diskursas: E TIC perspektyva tarmėtyroje — Paprastojo kalbos bendruomenės nario diskursas: EMIC perspektyva tarmėtyroje — Tyrėjo ir paprastojo kalbos bendruomenės nario dialogas (kas kam paklūsta ir kodėl): EMIC ir ETIC perspektyvų santykis tarmėtyroje — Išvados — Literatūra – Priedai.
Summary / Abstract:

LTŠioje monografijoje per paprastojo kalbos bendruomenės nario ir tyrėjo dialogą bandoma rasti šiuolaikinių lietuvių kalbos mitų apie lietuvių (bendrinę) kalbą, jos variantus pagrindus, išsiaiškinti, ar vaizdijimai apie kalbą ir jos variantus randasi iš kalbos, ar iš to, kas yra aplink kalbą - iš liaudies stereotipų ar ugdymo naratyvų. Taigi - ar veikia paprastąjį kalbos bendruomenės narį kokios nors tarminio kodo ir bendrinės kalbos ribos. Ir, nepaisant to, kad Deborah Cameron teigė, jog tik rašymas realizuoja bendrinės kalbos mitą, šios monografijos autorės tikisi, kad tarp regiolektinių variantų galima aptikti šiokių tokių ženklų, rodančių, kad paprastieji kalbos bendruomenės nariai geba bendrine kalbą atpažinti ir iš kalbinių charakteristikų. [Iš Pratarmės]

ENThe assumption of the modern Lithuanian dialectology - the new dialectal formations, the linguistic identity of which and from the researcher's perspective have been constructed only recently. Here, regiolects are meant, i. е., certain variations of a regional language which have, to one degree or another, been affected by standard language. From a geolinguistic point of view, these are variations covering the habitats of several geolects; conceptually these variations are related to the so-called secondary dialects. According to Eugenio Coseriu, standard factor is important in their emergence; linguistic identity of secondary dialects reflects the relationship between elemental and standard systems. Consequently, the marked-ness of regiolects is a proper empirical precondition to identify a prototype of standard language of an ordinary member of a language community or to seek to discover a model enabling to explore the limits of the variations used and assessed by ordinary members of a language community in the linguistic measurement. The aim of the project "Distribution of Regional Variants and Quasi-standard Language at the Beginning of the 21st Century: Perceptual Approach (Perceptual Categorisation of Variants)" presented in the monograph is to examine the perceptual competence of ordinary members of a language community. The object of the research is the perceptual categorization of variants.It is among the regiolects that are more accurately qualified not by dialectal features but rather by dialectal markers that it is most purposeful to look for standard language or what an ordinary member of a language community considers to be a standard language. By their linguistic identity, regiolects have landed up in the continuum of standard language —» dialect, therefore, it is aimed to explain how the features of the new dialectal formations and their linguistic value are related to the images of standard language and quasi-standard and their prevalence in society. Moving from the recognition of regiolectic characteristics (as dialectal) to standard language is methodologically meaningful as well, as it enables an ordinary member of a language community to state resolutely what is not standard language at the level of linguistic features, but is a dialect or more less dialectically marked variant. To achieve the set goal, the following tasks have been realized: 1) in accordance with the methodological platform of perceptual dialectology, a research model of perceptual competence has been prepared, 2) a dialectological analysis of variants of the horizontal language continuum was performed and regiolectic texts-stimuli for the study of variant perception were prepared; 3) the selection criteria of the respondents in the regions of Lithuania were prepared and the target groups formed in accordance with them, the points of the regions and metropolitan areas were determined; 4 ) a study of variant perception was performed at the set points. The study of perceptual dialectology was carried out in twenty-two localities of Lithuania, which were selected as the corresponding points of the "Atlas of the Lithuanian Language", currently best representing not only traditional Lithuanian dialects, but new dialectal formations as well, that emerged at the beginning of the 21th century in the present territory of Lithuania.5 target groups were formed in the zones of the Zemaitian dialect. The study of perceptual dialectology was carried out at the center of the Zemaitian regiolect - in Telšiai. The study of the northern Zemaitian Kretinga area was carried out at the points of the emerging Kretinga geolect and Plungė geolect. The study of the northern Zemaitian Telšiai area was carried out at the points of Mažeikiai geolect and Skuodas geolect. The study of the north-western Aukštaitian region was carried out in its center - Šiauliai. A rather stable and distinctive Joniškis geolect emerging in the western Aukštaitian area of Šiauliai is also included in the study. In the south-western Aukštaitian region, the study was conducted at three points. The study was carried out at the center of this regiolect - in Marijampolė. Western Aukštaitians of Kaunas were also represented in this study by the points of Šakiai geolect and Jurbarkas geolect. […] The study material was processed not only qualitatively but quantitatively as well. The web application Gabmap was used to prepare generalized maps of prototype areas of standard language use and maps of the distribution of regiolects. The principles of cluster analysis were also applied in the material analysis stage. The monograph consists of three main parts. The first part is intended for the analysis of dialectology discourse developed (being developed) by researchers. The second part of the monograph is meant for understanding the meaning of (regional) language variability constructed by an ordinary member of a language community. The third part of the study develops insights into the relationship between emic and etic perspectives. [From the publication]

9786090705704; 9786090705711
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