Dėmėtosios šiltinės epidemija Lietuvoje Antrojo pasaulinio karo metais (1941-1944 m.)

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Dėmėtosios šiltinės epidemija Lietuvoje Antrojo pasaulinio karo metais (1941-1944 m.)
Alternative Title:
Typhus epidemic in Lithuania during the Second World War (1941-1944)
In the Journal:
Lietuvos istorijos metraštis [Yearbook of Lithuanian History]. 2021, 2021/1, p. 105-132
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojami dėmėtosios šiltinės atvejai Lietuvoje 1941–1944 m., aptariama ligos plitimo eiga, susirgusiųjų skaičius, vokiečių bei lietuvių pareigūnų taikytos prevencinės priemonės bei jų efektyvumas. Nustatyta, jog dėmėtosios šiltinės epidemija vokiečių okupacijos metais Lietuvoje plito dviem etapais. Iš pradžių ligą platino sovietų karo belaisviai, vėliau – iš Sovietų Sąjungos evakuoti civiliai. Didžiausias atvejų skaičius buvo tose Lietuvos dalyse, kur iki Antrojo pasaulinio karo susirgimų taip pat registruota daugiausia. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Dėmėtoji šiltinė; Antrasis pasaulinis karas, 1939-1945 (World War II); Epidemijos; Karo belaisviai; Evakuacija; Sanitarija; Prevencija; 20 amžius; 20th century; Typhus; Epidemics; Prisoners of war; Evacuation; Sanitation; Prevention.

ENThe article analyses the course of and the reasons for the typhus epidemic in Lithuania in 1941– 1944. German officials viewed the prevention of typhus, both in Lithuania and in other occupied territories, as one of the key sanitary tasks in taking care of the Wehrmacht. Lithuanian health professionals worked hard to ensure the proper health protection of the local population. The issue of reducing typhus in Lithuania was relevant even before the Second World War. The first stage in the epidemic of typhus during the German occupation started in 1941, as a result of the German policy towards Soviet prisoners of war who were kept in insanitary conditions. Contacts between prisoners of war and the local population led to a rapid increase in the number of cases of the infectious disease. Its spread was accelerated by the insanitary conditions that were common in Lithuania prior to the Second World War. After the first stage of the epidemic, which lasted roughly from November 1941 to April 1942, a second outbreak of typhus occurred in January 1944, and was mostly related to the large-scale evacuation of Soviet civilians to Lithuania and their settling on farms around the country. Both German officials and Lithuanian medics applied different preventive measures to reduce the number of typhus cases. The Germans imposed a mass quarantine, closed many public spaces, and even isolated entire settlements. However, these measures did not always work, as people often failed to obey instructions, leading to the occurrence of new cases. [From the publication]

0202-3342; 2538-6549
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