A Century with Levinas: on the ruins of totality

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
  • Anglų kalba / English
  • Prancūzų kalba / French
A Century with Levinas: on the ruins of totality
Šerpytytė, Rita, redaktorius [edt]
Publication Data:
Vilnius : Vilnius University Publishing House, 2009.
353 p
Bibliografija prie straipsnių.
Address / Rita Šerpytytė — Avant-propos. «Je suis à grand-père» / David Hansel — Levinas: crisis of thought and thought of crisis: What makes Emmanuel Levinas a jewish thinker? / David Patterson; Levinas, penseur juif ou juif qui pense? / David Banon; Beyond forgiveness & the impossibility of forgiveness achieving unity and the impossibility of forgiveness / Hanoch Ben-Pazi; Nihilism and the problem of sense: E. Levinas / Rita Šerpytytė; On the non-theoretical source of meaning / Tomas Sodeika; Levinas on humanism / Anna Yampolskaya; The parallels of sleep and death in the phenomenology of Levinas / Dalius Jonkus; Justice hyperbolique / Bernhard Waldenfels; Criticism of dialog in the philosophy of E. Levinas / Mintautas Gutauskas; Language beyond essence: a return of the sophistic / Alexei G. Chernyakov — Levinas and experience of shoah: The presentiment of the shoah in Levinas' early writings / Joëlle Hansel; Justification of violence / Aušra Pažėraitė; Levinas et le pessimisme / Jean-Michel Salanskis; Detotalization and finitude / Alphonso Lingis; Levinas - Dostoevsky - genet: on separation / Thomas Newman; Deepening the traditional phenomenology: between light and good, between Husserl and Levinas / Nerijus Čepulis — Levinas and the possibility of ethics after Auschwitz: Death and time: towards the origin of passivity / Danutė Bacevičiūtė;Equi-valence / Algis Mickunas; A first sketch of non-cognitive ethical realism / Martin Gak; The few and the many: political philosophy and Levinas / Richard A. Cohen; The covenant of community / James E. Faulconer; Kant's fourth antinomy and the odyssey of Levinas's subject / Jūratė Baranova; Ethics between passivity and transgression: Levinas, Lacan, and Von Trier / Audronė Žukauskaitė; Idea of radical plurality in philosophy Emmanuel Levinas and Isaiah Berlin / Gintautas Mažeikis; A reciprocal asymmetry? Levinas's ethics reconsidered / Tomáš Tatransky; Ethique et politique dans la pensée d'Emmanuel Levinas / Georges Hansel; The spiritual legacy of Emmanuel Levinas / Andrius Valevicius — Information about authors.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Levinas; Judaizmas; Fenomenologija; Etika; Totalybė; Atleidimas; Nihilizmas; Prasmė; Pasyvumas, šoa. Keywords: Levinas; Judaism; Phenomenology; Ethics; Totality; Forgiveness; Nihilism; Meaning; Passivity, Shoah.Reikšminiai žodžiai: Emanuelis Levinas (Emmanuel Levinas); Filosofai; Konferencijos; Conferences; Philosophers.

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