Rytų ir Centrinės Europos jaunuolių požiūris į socialinius pokyčius

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Rytų ir Centrinės Europos jaunuolių požiūris į socialinius pokyčius
Alternative Title:
Attitudes of young people in Eastern and Central Europe towards social changes
In the Journal:
Pedagogika [Pedagogy]. 2006, 81, p. 96-100
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje aptariami teoriniai socialinių pokyčių ir ugdymo proceso aspektai; akcentuojama jų tarpusavio sąveika; apibūdinamas mokyklos, kaip ugdymo institucijos, socialinis vaidmuo; išryškinama pilietinio ugdymo socialinė dimensija. Antrojoje straipsnio dalyje pristatomi ir analizuojami tarptautinio palyginamojo tyrimo apie Rytų Europos (Čekijos, Latvijos, Lietuvos, Vengrijos, Lenkijos, Slovėnijos) jaunuolių požiūrį į socialinius pokyčius rezultatai. Duomenų analizės pagrindu daroma išvada, kad socialinius pokyčius Lietuvos ir Latvijos jaunuoliai vertina panašiausiai iš visų respondentų. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Socialiniai pokyčiai; Socialinė dimensija; Pilietinis ugdymas; Social changes; Social dimension; Citizenship education.

ENAuthor presents theoretical developments of social conventionality of education particularly of civic education. Therefore, interdépendance between social changes and education is discussed. Social, political, changes in the world have made strong influence to the main aims, goals, tasks of education as a social institution. The first part of the article is devoted to deepen understanding of social dimension of citizenship education. Some data from the research on attitudes of young people in the Central/Eastern Europe towards political-social changes are presented. The research was conducted in the frame of IEA (International Association of Evaluation of Educational Achievements) Civic Education Study CivEd. Therefore, some basic information about the study is outlined and attitudes of respondents are shown. The Regional part of IEA Study dealing with attitudes towards transformation was carried out as regional research and involved teenagers from, several post-communist countries such as Lithuania, Latvija, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Hungary. As far as Regional data have very strong connection with the subject of this article, the rezults are presented and analysed in the article by the author. The data on Scale of Approval of transformation indicate that all participating countries could be grouped in three groups according the attitudes to the social political changes after 1990: Countries in which the approval is highest - most positive (Poland); Countries in which the approval is similar but not very high (Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovenia; Countries in which approval is lowest - most negative (Lithuania and Latvia).Finally, some conclusions based on Review of literature, findings of research in different countries, analyses of political documents of educational policy (regulations, curriculum, standards, programs, textbooks, etc.), construction and implementation of social model of civic education, data from IEA Civic Education Study on attitudes of youngsters in Central/Eastern Europe to social political changes are drawn. [From the publication]

1392-0340; 2029-0551
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