Socialinės partnerystės įtaka inovacijoms

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Socialinės partnerystės įtaka inovacijoms
Publication Data:
Vilnius : Edukologija, 2012.
260 p
Įvadas — I. Socialinė ekonomika ir partnerystė: I.1. Socialinės ekonomikos samprata; I.2. Viešojo ir privataus sektorių partnerystė (PPP/VPP ) ir socialinis kapitalas; I.3. Socialinės partnerystės raida Lietuvoje — II. Daugiafunkciai centrai kaip socialinės partnerystės įtvirtinimas: II.1. Universalaus daugiafunkcio centro samprata; II.2. Daugiafunkcių centrų patirties ir tendencijų analizė; II.3. Socialinės partnerystės ekspertų struktūruoto interviu ir anketos duomenų analizė; II.4. Socialinės atsakomybės modeliai ir socialiniai tinklai; II.5. Socialinės klasterystės modeliai — Išvados — Summary — Literatūra — Priedai: 1 priedas. Kanados patirtis (internetiniai šaltiniai); 2 priedas. Pagrindinės sąvokos; 3 priedas. NVO konfederacijos vaikams nariai (socialinės partnerystės pavyzdys); 4 priedas. Struktūruotas interviu; 5 priedas. 2004–2010 m. apgintų daktaro ir magistro darbų, kurių vadovė – prof. dr. Giedrė Kvieskienė, sąrašas; 6 priedas. Užsienio ekspertų nuomonės apie daugiafunkcių centrų patirtį analizė.
Summary / Abstract:

LTSocialinės ir ekonominės problemos bei ekonominės krizės įgyja panašias tendencijas visose pasaulio šalyse. Atliepiant šias tendencijas monografijoje autoriai aptaria socialinės ekonomikos priemones, socialinės partnerystės raidą bei sampratos kismą, nagrinėja viešojo ir privataus sektorių partnerystę (PPP /VPP ) ir socialinio kapitalo raišką. Kartu aptariami daugiafunkciniai centrai, kurie galėtų būti tinkama investicija modernizuojant socioedukacines institucijas bei priartinant jas prie realių pilietinės visuomenės poreikių. Didėjanti verslo įmonių socialinė atsakomybė bei viešojo, privataus sektorių socialinė partnerystė, lyderiaujant nevyriausybinėms institucijoms kartu su mokslo institucijomis bei universitetinėmis aukštosiomis mokyklomis, skatina naujų socialinės klasterystės modelių atsiradimą bei socialinio kapitalo augimą. [Anotacija knygoje]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Ekonominis vystymasis; Socialinės problemos; Bendruomenės centrai; Socialinė rūpyba; Economic development; Social issues; Community centers; Social care.

ENLithuania, during the last decades, is undergoing a rapid development stage, and in recent years, is experiencing the effects of the worldwide economic crisis on all fronts. Our professionals and ordinary citizens are forced to re-evaluate the lessons of democracy and freedom in all areas – politics, economy, culture and business. It is not only the unique experience of Lithuania. All countries of Eastern Europe continue to search for their identity amidst the impacts of globalization and the worldwide economic crisis. The acceleration in virtual communication, the quicker exchange of information between different countries and social groups, the spreading of new ideas of liberalism and the development of the free market and democratic values have become the priority in different parts of the world. Upon the arrival of postmodernity and the networked era, especially since the economic crisis, if people are to remain competitive, then they will only be able to do so in the State in which they are able to use their creative potential to empower civil society by encouraging public – private partnerships, intersectoral trust, innovative solutions, and the discovery of a free society that is open and mobile. Lithuania is facing a difficult challenge, namely to maximize the use of human, civic and social resources as well as other successful social economic partnerships in order to create compelling reasons why people should live in the country.In this paper, we consider the social economics and partnership phenomena as flexible and effective ways of combining not only the interests of social partners with a common purpose and benefits, but also finding new and innovative solutions to problems by using new techniques and players who are interested in finding new and innovative solutions to the problems facing not only Lithuania but all of post-communist Europe. Social economy partnerships and network cooperation are helping to meet the new challenges that emerged after Lithuania became a member of the European Union. However, mistrust between various sectors of society, political inaction, and corruption are still occurring in Lithuania, not to mention the non-productive use of socio-economic tools and the ineffective public spending. The development of social partnership in Europe, taking into account the Lisbon Strategy that sets out key objectives, is designed to make the EU the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world where social and economic development is coordinated manner to produce more jobs and greater social cohesion. However, even a long democratic tradition of social partnership that fosters the edges of the phenomenon is not sufficiently exploited. Increasing the transparency of public sector funding and private sector awareness of social responsibility and the importance of social partnerships will increase the socio-economic impact, which is seen as an innovative way to address the economic, social and environmental challenges of unemployment and poverty.Social economy is defined and understood in different ways, but most authors define it as alternative education and social sector activities, including cross-sectoral partnerships. Robert D. Putnam, a political scientist and professor of public policy at Harvard University, works for the formation of modern civil society through the development of social capital on the basis of societies and associations, individual trust in other individuals, socium and institutions, while at the same power and role as the associative civic index. Key conditions for success in a civil society are positive sociability, an associative person who seeks power and control, and the ability to build social networks and communities. Community is not simply the fact of social life, but also the value and values which are mostly formed in those communities. People who come together for these purposes are usually associated with non-profit activity focused on the public interest and accomplish their goals mostly through non-governmental organizations. In different countries, non-governmental organizations are developed differently, but there are similarities between them. [...]. [From the publication]

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