Religione pro deo, sapientia pro patria. Kreacja wizerunku biskupa wileńskiego Konstantego Kazimierza Brzostowskiego w grafice okolicznościowej

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lenkų kalba / Polish
Religione pro deo, sapientia pro patria. Kreacja wizerunku biskupa wileńskiego Konstantego Kazimierza Brzostowskiego w grafice okolicznościowej
Alternative Title:
Religione pro deo, sapientia pro patria. Creation of image of bishop of Vilnius Constatin Casimir Brzostowski in engravings
In the Journal:
Artifex novus. 2020, 4, p. 162-180
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Heraldika; Graviūros; Portretas; Konstantinas Kazimieras Brzostowski. Keywords: Heraldry; Engraving; Portrait; Konstanty; Kazimierz Brzostowski.Reikšminiai žodžiai: Konstantinas Kazimieras Bžostovskis (Konstanty Kazimierz Brzostowski); Dvasininkai; 17 amžius; 18 amžius; Portretai; Heraldika; Graviūros; Clergy; Portraits; 17th century; 18th century; Heraldry; Engraving.

ENThe article presents the image creation of Konstanty Kazimierz Brzostowski (1644–1722), bishop of Vilnius, in the light of dedicated to him engravings and panegyrics. Part of the engraved portraits presented him as the bishop of Vilnius and the first ecclesiastic in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Some of the engravings were adorned with a graphic decoration conforming with the allegoric meaning of the Strzemię coat-of-arms of Brzostowski and coat-of-arms of other Lithuanian families. This determined not only individual virtues but also, together with the relevant quotations, became a manifestation of his political position in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. This strategy was very important in the case of the conflict between the bishop of Vilnius and family of Sapieha, especially Kazimierz Jan Sapieha (1642–1720). [From the publication]

2544-5014; 2719-3659
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