Neapykantos kalbos ir neapykantos incidentų patirtys Panevėžio Romų bendruomenėje

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Neapykantos kalbos ir neapykantos incidentų patirtys Panevėžio Romų bendruomenėje
Alternative Title:
Experiencies of hate speech and incidents: the case of Roma community in Panevėžys
In the Journal:
Lietuvos socialinė raida. 2019, Nr. 9 Socialinių ir etninių mažumų grupių įtrauktis Lietuvoje = Inclusion of social and ethnic minority groups in Lithuania, p. 76-90
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojamos neapykantos incidentų patirtys remiantis Panevėžio romų bendruomenėje 2019 m. atlikto kokybinio tyrimo rezultatais. Tyrimas atskleidžia sąsajas tarp struktūrinės diskriminacijos ir asmeninių žodinių ir smurtinių neapykantos incidentų patirčių. Per interviu surinkti „jautrūs“ duomenys apie žodinių ir smurtinių neapykantos incidentų patirtį Panevėžyje, straipsnyje traktuojami ne kaip „bejėgių“ asmenų refleksijos apie susitaikymą su nepakeičiamomis aplinkybėmis, darančiomis įtaką kasdieninėms situacijoms, bet ir kaip gynybiniai bendruomenės resursai, kurie gali būti panaudoti pačios bendruomenės siekiant susidoroti su kasdienine neapykanta ir antičigonizmu. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Neapykantos kalba; Neapykantos nusikaltimai; Incidentai; Romai; Priešiškumas; Diskriminacija; Hate speech; Hate crimes; Incidents; Roma; Insolvency; Discrimination.

ENThis article analyses the experiences of hate incidents among the Roma residents in Panevėžys. The qualitative study carried out in 2019 revealed the links between structural discrimination and personal experiences of verbal and violent hate incidents. Because of everyday hate and discrimination, the Roma community in Panevėžys feels like a group of common fate, therefore the opportunities for close contacts between Lithuanians (non-Romani; gadjo) and Roma are hampered by mutual distrust, avoidance and violence. Prejudice against Roma online, face-to-face verbal and physical incidents in public places and the avoidance of social contacts with Roma people are a latent and invisible part of Roma daily life in Panevėžys. The comunity‘s capability to fight prejudice and resist hatred is further aggravated by the economic situation of the community, distrust in public institutions and illiteracy problems (for example, writing skills are required to file a complaint at the police). Only seasonal (temporary) migration to developed countries (i.e. the UK) is considered a fairly effective strategy to combat poverty, and thus reduce the consequences of hatred and discrimination in Panevėžys. However, not every member of the community can migrate to work abroad, as migrating itself requires knowledge, language skills as well as social contacts with those who have already migrated.Of those who migrated, the economic and social capital earned in migration is used to improve the social and economic situation at home (e.g. repairing housing, buying one's own home or moving to a “better” part of the city, investing into business or education). Such primarily economic (and only secondarily – social) improvement of living conditions in the community is seen as creating preconditions for reducing social distance between Lithuanians and Roma. Expectations of a better future for children and young people are also clearly visible in the community. Although Roma children may be bullied or discriminated against in schools, the expectations of parents and older Roma persons for a better future were associated with young people attending schools and obtaining education. The role of Roma community leaders and success stories and examples of success stories also remains important, so that successful integration in the community is not perceived as forced assimilation and loss of Roma identity and culture. [From the publication]

2029-963X; 2424-497X
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