Czy naprawdę unia została wykreślona z projektów Litwy nowoczesnej w końcu XIX - na początku XX wieku?

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lenkų kalba / Polish
Czy naprawdę unia została wykreślona z projektów Litwy nowoczesnej w końcu XIX - na początku XX wieku?
Alternative Title:
Was the union really erased from the modern Lithuanian statehood projects in the late nineteenth - early twentieth centuries
In the Journal:
Rocznik Lituanistyczny. 2020, 6, p. 221-234
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Lenkijos ir Lietuvos unijos (Liublino unijos) idėja; Lietuvių nacionalinis judėjimas; Lietuvos valstybingumo projektai; Lietuvių ir lenkų istoriografija. Keywords: Idea of the (Lublin) Union; Lithuanian national movement; Lithuanian statehood projects; Lithuanian and Polish historiography.Reikšminiai žodžiai: 19 amžius; 20 amžius; Sąjungos; Liublino unija, 1569 (Union of Lublin); Tautinis judėjimas; Valstybingumas; Federalizmas; Projektai; Istoriografija; 19th century; 20th century; Unions; National movement; Statehood; Federalism; Historiography.

ENThe article offers a critical assessment of the deeply entrenched view in Lithuanian and Polish historiography that the idea of the (Lublin) Union was erased from the Lithuanian statehood projects created within the Lithuanian national movement in the late nineteenth–early twentieth centuries. Summarising the critical assessments made against this idea, several theses were formulated based on which further research could be conducted that could explain the effects of the Union on the formation and development of “Lithuanian federalism”. (1) In terms of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania after 1569, like it or not, the Union in its semblance as the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth should also be acknowledged. (2) The Union’s denial without taking the GDL into account cannot be reduced to a rejection of the modernisation of the PLC statehood tradition. It was expressed in the federation and confederation terminology used in Lithuanian politicians’ rhetoric and projections of Lithuanian statehood at the end of the nineteenth–early twentieth centuries. (3) It is obvious that in research on the Lithuanian national movement, especially concerning the evolution of modern society, nationalism methodology must be avoided, and such research should be developed in a much bolder way within the transnational historical research paradigm. The case of Lithuania should firstly be looked at as a phenomenon of the Central East European region. [From the publication]

2450-8446; 2450-8454
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