Саборы ўніяцкага духавенства Кіева-Віленскай архіепархіі ў эпоху канфесіяналізацыі (канец XVI - пачатак XVII ст.)

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Baltarusių kalba / Belarusian
Саборы ўніяцкага духавенства Кіева-Віленскай архіепархіі ў эпоху канфесіяналізацыі (канец XVI - пачатак XVII ст.)
Alternative Title:
Unity clergy councils of the Kyiv-Vilnia Archdiocese in the era of confessionalization (end of XVI - beginning of XVII centuries)
In the Journal:
Беларускі гістарычны агляд [БГА] [Belarusian historical review]. 2019, т. 26, сш. 1-2, p. 3-38
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Brastos bažnytinė unija; Unitų Bažnyčia; Kijevo-Vilniaus metropolinė arkivyskupija; Bažnytinis susirinkimas; Unitų dvasininkija; Kijevo ir Visos Rusios metropolitas Michailas Ragoza; Adomas Ipatijus Pociejus; Juozapas Veliaminas Rutskis; Rapolas Korsakas; Leonas Sapiega. Keywords: Union of Brest; Uniate Church; Kyiv-Vilnius Metropolitanate Archeparchy; Church council; Uniate clergy; Metropolitan of Kiev and All-Ruthenia Michael Rohoza; Hypatius Pociej; Josyph Veliamin Rutski; Rafail Korsak; Lew Sapieha.Reikšminiai žodžiai: Lietuvos Didžioji Kunigaikštystė (LDK; Grand Duchy of Lithuania; GDL); 16 amžius; 17 amžius; Arkivyskupija; Dvasininkai; Baltarusija (Belarus); Unitų Bažnyčia; 16th century; 17th century; Archdiocese; Clergy; Uniate Church.

ENThe article is dedicated to one of the brightest phenomena of the pre-modern Ruthenian Church – Councils of the Kyiv-Vilnia Metropolitanate Archeparchy. The gatherings of the clergy and laypeople took place in the major administrative centers of the Archeparchy (in Vilnia, Hrodna, Minsk and Navahradak) and, in terms of territory, embraced the lands of contemporary Belarus, Lithuania and Ukraine, as well as Latvia, Poland and Russia. During the 17th century eparchial councils were the basis for organizing and canonical structuring of the Uniate Church, as well as the significant public forum for articulating cultural and religious agenda of the Ruthenian (Belarusian) nation within the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. [From the publication]

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