Pseudomitologemos "Milda" kilmė

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Pseudomitologemos "Milda" kilmė
Alternative Title:
On the origin of the pseudomythologeme "Milda"
In the Journal:
Baltu filoloģija. 2021, t. 30, nr. 1-2, p. 26-51
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojama Teodoro Narbuto veikale Dzieje starożytne narodu litewskiego pirmą kartą paminėtos lietuvių mitologemos Milda sukūrimo aplinkybės. Remiantis gausia baltų homoformų (antroponimų, hidronimų, toponimų) bei antikos realijų, taip pat Nibelungų giesmės naratyvo ir Dytmaro (Thietmarus Merseburgensis) Liubeko kronikoje užfiksuotų lužitėnų religijos motyvų analize, suformuluoti 4 šio pseudomitonimo etiologijos aiškinimo būdai. [Leidėjo anotacija]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Milda; Deivės; Pseudomitologija; Mitologemos; Sintagma; Etimologija; Teodoras Narbutas (Teodor Narbutt). "Dzieje starożytne narodu litewskiego"; Pseudo-mythology; Goddesses; Mythologeme; Syntagma; Etymology.

ENThe Lithuanian female deity Milda, as patron of love and coquetry, was mentioned for the first time by Teodor Narbutt, the author of a nine-volume Polish-language history of Lithuania Dzieje starożytne narodu litewskiego, in 1835. To quote the author of Dzieje starożytne, Milda was also known by her second name Alexota, which is of Greek origin. The goddess was worshipped in two temples - in Aleksotas (near Kaunas) and in Antakalnis (in Vilnius). The month of April was dedicated to Milda. There is no decisive proof, either in written sources, archaeological findings, or folklore of the Balts, to support T. Narbutt’s claims. To summarize the outcomes of research into the East Baltic (Lithuanian) mythonym Milda, the following conclusions are proposed: 1. The etiology of the mythologeme is to be explained in several ways: 1α. on the basis of pseudosyntagma presented in Thietmar’s Chronicle (Chronicon Thietmari), i.e. Mildam… deam; 1β. with the help of p. n. Pol. Milda ([clipping] ← p. n. Pol. [Kry]milda), having in mind the love story of Siegfried and Kriemhild described in The Song of the Nibelungs; 1γ. given the reference of the onym similar to p. n. Pol. Miłdowska and sub. Pol. miłość ‘love’ as well as sub. Pol. dawca ‘giver, grantor; founder’ that presupposes reconstruction of the sememe *‘giver of love’; 1δ. with the help of p. n. Lith. Milda ([clipping] ← p. n. Lith. Matilda ← p. n. Pol. Matylda ← p. n. G Mathilde), in accordance with the reference of sub. Pol. mił[ość] ‘love’ and verb. Pol. da[je] ‘(he, she) gives, grants’ or with verb. Lith. milti ‘to start to love; to become loving’ ↔ pamilti ‘ditto’. 2. The connotation of the functions and attributes of the mythonym Milda is to be explicated using the data of Antiquity, i.e. mythological motifs of the goddess Venus. 3. The mythologeme Milda is a feigned mythonym created by T. Narbutt. [From the publication]

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