Sudėtiniai prijungiamieji laiko sakiniai šiaurės žemaičių tarmėje (remiantis XX a. II pusės paveldu)

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Sudėtiniai prijungiamieji laiko sakiniai šiaurės žemaičių tarmėje (remiantis XX a. II pusės paveldu)
Alternative Title:
Subordinate clauses of time in the Northern Samogitian dialect (based on the heritage of the second half of the Twentieth century)
In the Journal:
Baltu filoloģija. 2020, t. 29, nr. 2, p. 89-116
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje aptariamos Šiaurės vakarų žemaičių žodyno, A-O (Vanagienė, 2014) iliustracijose užfiksuotų sudėtinių prijungiamųjų laiko sakinių struktūrinės ir morfosintaksinės ypatybės, palyginimui pasitelkiant kituose šiaurės žemaičių kalbėjimo šaltiniuose – Taip šneka tirkšliškiai (Girdenis, 1996) ir Šiaurės žemaičiai telšiškiai (Pabrėža et. al., sud., 2013) – esančių laiko sakinių analizę (Pajėdienė, 2018). [Leidėjo anotacija]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Šiaurės žemaičių tarmė; Prieveiksminiai laiko sakiniai; Prijungimo rodiklis; Atliepiamasis žodis; Poziciniai sakinio dėmenų modeliai; Northern Samogitian dialect; Subordinate clauses of time; Adverbial subordinator; Correlative word; Structural models of clauses.

ENThe article discusses the structural and morphosyntactic features of the subordinate clauses of time recorded in the illustrations of The Dictionary of Northwestern Samogitian, A–O (ŠVŽŽ 1). For the sake of comparison, temporal clauses found in other sources of the Northern Samogitian dialect — Taip šneka tirkšliškiai (TŠT) and Šiaurės žemaičiai telšiškiai (ŠŽT) — were analysed as well. In the sources of the Northern Samogitian dialect of the second half of the twentieth century analysed in the study the clauses with ka, kad, kaip, kol constitute an absolute majority of temporal clauses (~94% ŠVŽŽ 1, ~95% TŠT and ~97% ŠŽT). Certain subordinators have their functional duplicates: Samogitian lig may serve as a subordinator not only in the clauses referring to a temporal boundary (this function of lig is also characteristic of Modern Lithuanian) but also in clauses referring to a secondary action as the starting point; in clauses referring to an action as the starting point the words lig and tik may serve the function of a subordinator, though they are more often used as focus particles; tujau(s) may be used both as a subordinator and as a correlative word. Only ŠVŽŽ 1 includes clauses denoting a secondary action as the starting point where the function of a subordinator may be assigned to the words jau, sau, vos (they are usually used as focus particles or phase adverbs).Sentences featuring verbs of the same grammatical tense in both clauses are relatively most common in all three sources; however, Samogitian speakers also tend to choose combinations of different grammatical tense forms in the main clause and the subordinate clause. With respect to the main clause, temporal clauses with connectors of general and momentary meaning are usually used prepositionally, whereas clauses expressing a temporal boundary are placed postpositionally. Such a structure of models of subordinate temporal clauses may be linked to dialogism and iconicity, which is more usual in the natural language flow, rather than the inverse presentation of the sequence of two actions. [From the publication]

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2022-04-04 18:40:21
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