[Samuelio Boguslavo Chylinskio Biblija 2. Naujasis Testamentas Viešpaties mūsų Jėzaus Kristaus, lietuvių kalba duotas Samuelio Boguslavo Chylinskio. Lietuviško vertimo rankraščio faksimilė. Ed. Gina Kavaliūnaitė] : recenzija

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Recenzija / Book review
Anglų kalba / English
[Samuelio Boguslavo Chylinskio Biblija 2. Naujasis Testamentas Viešpaties mūsų Jėzaus Kristaus, lietuvių kalba duotas Samuelio Boguslavo Chylinskio. Lietuviško vertimo rankraščio faksimilė. Ed. Gina Kavaliūnaitė]: recenzija
In the Journal:
Archivum Lithuanicum. 2020, t. 22, p. 377-386
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Gina Kavaliūnaitė. "Samuelio Boguslavo Chylinskio Biblija 2. Naujasis Testamentas Viešpaties mūsų Jėzaus Kristaus, lietuvių kalba duotas Samuelio Boguslavo Chylinskio. Lietuviško vertimo rankraščio faksimilė".

ENJust as has been stated a few times already, Volume 2 of the Chylinski’s Bible series, edited by Kavaliūnaitė is truly a culmination of the entire series. It undoubtedly shows the great progress that has been made since the publication of Chylinski’s New Testament edited by the Polish linguists and the amount of hard work that was put into its creation. It should be remembered that the website www.chylinskibible. flf.vu.lt is an extension of the book edition of the New Testament. It is an invaluable help in the work with the text and I recommend trying it. Furthermore, I hope that the earlier volumes will also be digitized and will appear on the website in the near future. Volume 2 itself, however, can be an ornament for any household, library, or university. Thanks to the rich, detailed, and informative introductions by Kavaliūnaitė and Čapaitė, the scientific value of the publication can be appreciated. Apart from the meticulously prepared facsimiles, the introductory articles included in all three volumes form a complete study of the author of the Lithuanian translation of the Bible. They contain groundbreaking conclusions about Chylinski’s life but also arouse emotions and, most importantly, open the discussion. Thanks to Gina Kavaliūnaitė, after 350 years, Chylinski, once abandoned and forgotten, received a monument more durable than bronze. [Extract, p. 385]

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