Lietuvių draugijų veiklos atspindžiai Vytauto Civinskio (1887-1910) "Dienoraštyje"

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Lietuvių draugijų veiklos atspindžiai Vytauto Civinskio (1887-1910) "Dienoraštyje"
Alternative Title:
Activity of the Lithuanian societies in the "Diary" (1904-1910) of Vytautas Civinskis
In the Journal:
Archivum Lithuanicum. 2020, t. 22, p. 329-354
1795-1915. Lietuva Rusijos imperijos sudėtyje; 20 amžius.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Vytautas Civinskis. "Dienoraštis"; Švietėjai; Dienoraščiai; Lietuvių draugijos; Liudijimai; 19 amžius; 20 amžius; 19th century; 20th century; Testimonies; Lithuanian societies; Educators; Diaries.

ENThe egodocuments (letters and diaries) provide historians and linguists with the rare opportunity to observe the everyday life of generations, who lived long ago. The Diary of Vytautas Civinskis (1887–1910), a young nobleman, tells about the years he spent abroad while studying in Leipzig, Berlin, and Dorpat in the first years of the 20th century. Along with other information, one can find rather scarce, but nevertheless valuable data about the societies of Lithuanians in Moscow, Berlin, and Dorpat which he described. In Moscow Civinskis attended Lithuanian parties, in Berlin he joined some meetings and a picnic, arranged by the local society of Lithuanians. Most closely he observed the life of the Society of Lithuanian Students of Dorpat. Civinskis became an active member of this society, and temporarily worked as a secretary, a librarian, and even one of its leaders. Spending his vacations in the Lithuanian estate Mituva, which belonged to his family, Civinskis also helped to establish the Agricultural Society of Skapiškis, arranged a theatrical performance and founded its library. This Diary, previously practically unknown, adds some interesting new details and trivia about all the mentioned societies, their activities and members. Many surnames of members are mentioned, the printed program of the party in Moscow adds to our knowledge of the cultural life of Lithuanians there, and previously unknown facts about women studying in Tartu are also published. This article includes some good quality photographs, taken by the diarist in Tartu. [From the publication]

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