Lietuvos laisvės kovos sąjūdžio Taryba: nariai, jų veikla ir diskusijos

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Lietuvos laisvės kovos sąjūdžio Taryba: nariai, jų veikla ir diskusijos
Alternative Title:
Council of the movement for the struggle for the freedom of Lithuania: personalities, activities and internal discussions
In the Journal:
Acta historica universitatis Klaipedensis [AHUK]. 2020, t. 40, p. 143-377. Anti-soviet resistance: new approaches to the Lithuanian partisan war = Antisovietinė rezistencija Lietuvoje: partizaninio karo tyrimų naujos prieigos
Summary / Abstract:

LT1949 m. vasario 10 d. buvo įkurtas Lietuvos laisvės kovos sąjūdis (toliau – LLKS) – visuomeninė karinė savanorių organizacija, pirmą kartą atstovavusi visos Lietuvos partizanams. „Po ilgų kovos metų, sudėjus daugybę aukų, pagaliau pasiektas visų kovojančių dalinių susivienijimas. Lietuvos laisvės kovos sąjūdis visoje Lietuvoje!“ – savo dienoraštyje pažymėjo būsimasis Dainavos apygardos vadas Lionginas Baliukevičius-Dzūkas, susipažinęs su šios organizacijos statutu, deklaracija, nutarimais ir atsišaukimais. 1949 m. pavasarį prie LLKS prisijungė Žemaičių apygardos erdvėje veikusių Kardo (Kardų) ir Alkos rinktinių kovotojai, 1951 m. rugpjūtį į Vyčio apygardos Žaliosios rinktinės partizanų gretas stojo biržiečiai – Sierakausko (vėliau Pilėnų) tėvūnija. LLKS valdymas buvo patikėtas Tarybai, sudarytai iš Prezidiumo pirmininko ir sekretoriaus, Gynybos pajėgų ir Visuomeninės dalies vadovybių narių, taip pat sričių vadų ir sričių tarybų narių, turinčių ne mažesnes kaip apygardos vadų teises. LLKS Taryba veikė per savo Prezidiumą. Istoriografijoje iki šiol dėmesys telkiamas į 1949 m. vasario 11–17 d. LLKS Tarybos sesijos posėdį ir vasario 16-ąją priimtą žinomiausią dokumentą – politinę deklaraciją; LLKS Tarybos tyrinėjimai dažniausiai siaurinami iki Prezidiumo narių veiklos, arba aštuonių minėtos deklaracijos signatarų. Šį kartą skelbiamas tolesniems tyrimams reikšmingas išskirtinai pačių partizanų dokumentų ir rašinių rinkinys apie daugelio LLKS Tarybos narių asmenybes, kovos kelią ir atliktus darbus, jų svarstymai apie Lietuvos, už kurios laisvę ir nepriklausomybę kovota, ateitį, taip pat Lietuvos ir LLKS istorijos tekstai. [...]. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Partizanai; Partizaninis karas; Partizanų dokumentai; 20 amžius; Guerrilla documents; Guerrilla warfare; Partisans; 20th century.

ENThe Lietuvos laisvės kovos sąjūdis (Movement for the Struggle for the Freedom of Lithuania, LLKS), a public paramilitary organisation established on 10 February 1949, was the first body that represented the activities of all the partisans that took part in the anti-Soviet guerrilla war in Stalinist Lithuania. The LLKS was run by the Council, which acted through its Presidium, and consisted of the chairman and secretary of the Presidium, members of the Defence Forces and the Public Section commands, partisan area commanders, and members of the partisan area councils with the rank of district commander at least. So far, historians have focused their attention on the meeting of the LLKS Council on 11–17 February 1949. In this regard, probably the best-known document of the LLKS is the political declaration adopted on 16 February 1949. With this document, the LLKS Council declared itself the highest national political body during the period of Lithuania’s occupation, an organisation leading the movement for the nation’s liberation in political and military terms. It also expressed the opinions of the partisan leadership on the future of the Lithuanian nation and the state, as well as its relationship with the Communist Party and its collaborators. Current knowledge about the LLKS Council is therefore often limited to the activities of the members of the Presidium, or the eight signatories of the declaration. With this source publication, we provide a collection of selected documents and essays, whose authorship belongs wholly to the partisans themselves. It sheds some light on the personalities of many members of the LLKS Council, their struggles and activities, and presents their writings on the history of Lithuania and the LLKS, as well as their reflections on the future of Lithuania, whose freedom and independence they fought for.The introduction traces the formation of the LLKS Council, and presents biographical information on its members. We have established that, according to the data available today, from 25 January 1949 to 19 September 1953, in total, 41 men, active in all three partisan areas throughout Lithuania, were members of the LLKS Council (two of them nominally, because they were already dead on the day of their appointment). The initial 13 Council members rose to 22 in 1949, and then ranged from 14 to 19, and was down to 13 again by early 1953. The professions or occupations of LLKS Council members, however, are often difficult to determine reliably. They range from school-leavers, students and farmers, to teachers, civil servants and former army officers, who often showed themselves as disciplined fighters and staff officers, and zealous press editors, publishers and drafters of statutes and other documents in the ranks of the partisans. The set of source publications consists of seven sections, containing 88 documents in total. The first section (documents 1 to 31) presents data on 16 Council members. Scattered around various repositories and files, the documents include presentations for awards, death announcements, obituaries, and documents with various references to these members. The second section (documents 32 to 37) shows the activities of the LLKS Council. It includes two public appeals by the LLKS made in February and March 1949, a greeting and three recently found resolutions of the Council. Section three (documents 38 to 50) sheds some light on the so far little-known conceptualisation process of the LLKS Council declaration. It shows that the declaration of 16 February 1949 was the result of (or a stage in) a long development.Preceded by the declarations of the Bendras demokratinis pasipriešinimo sąjūdis (United Democratic Resistance Movement, BDPS) made on 23 April 1946, 10 June 1946, and May or June 1947 (BDPS declaration 2), the declaration was followed by statements from the Council members (from 1950 to 1952) for and against amendments to the document of 16 February 1949. In the fourth section (documents 51 to 61), the reader will find deliberations and even heated disputes between members of the Council about the ideology of the movement, and specifically about the symbol of the Lithuanian nation preferred by the LLKS: whether it should be Vytis (the white knight, a heraldic symbol of the Lithuanian state from the Middle Ages) or Rūpintojėlis (the religious and folk-craft symbol of the Sorrowing Christ). The fifth section (documents 62 to 78) presents an extensive discussion by members of the LLKS Council and Colonel Dominykas Steponaitis of the Lithuanian army (who was not a member) about the future borders of the Lithuanian state, the disputes over Vilnius and its region, Klaipėda, and territorial claims to the Kaliningrad Oblast as far as the Potsdam line, to be stated in the future. Documents 79 to 81 in section six of the publication include essays about the future life of the partisans and the whole nation. They discuss the fate of the LLKS, and pose a fundamental question about the coexistence of Lithuanians who bore the burden of the occupation in the homeland and those who would eventually return from displacement in the West. Through the essays and the occasional speeches of members of the LLKS Council, the seventh section (documents 82 to 88) presents them as receivers and creators of the Lithuanian historical narrative. This section also includes a document which shows attempts to write a chronicle of the guerrilla war, and to reflect on recent events. [...]. [From the publication]

1392-4095; 2351-6526
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