Kultūrinio liberalizmo intencijos tarpukario Kaune: mokslo ir visuomenės ugdymo sanglauda

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Kultūrinio liberalizmo intencijos tarpukario Kaune: mokslo ir visuomenės ugdymo sanglauda
Alternative Title:
Intentions of cultural liberalism in interwar Kaunas: cohesion of science and society
In the Journal:
Lituanistica. 2021, Nr. 2, p. 112–125
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje siekiama ištirti ir įvertinti 1922 m. Kaune įsteigto Lietuvos universiteto mokslininkų ir pedagogų liberalizmo idėjų įtaką organizuojant inteligentijos šviečiamąją veiklą visuomenėje. Tiriami archyvinių ir skelbtų šaltinių duomenys apie Lietuvos universitete formuojamą demokratišką sociokultūrinę aplinką, nagrinėjamas mokslo asmenybių kultūrinio liberalizmo idėjų poveikis organizuojant Kauno gyventojų švietimą ir kultūrinį ugdymą. Šiame straipsnyje panaudoti Kaune veikusio universiteto pedagoginės ir kultūrinės veiklos dokumentai, personaliniai fondai, intelektualų įsteigtų organizacijų posėdžių protokolai, oficialūs raštai ir kita korespondencija, periodinė spauda. Straipsnio naujumas sietinas su tuo, kad kultūrinio liberalizmo idėjų ir edukacinės veiklos plėtojimo sanglaudos klausimai nėra specialiai išsamiau tyrinėti. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Mokslininkai; 20 amžius; Lietuvos universitetas (The University of Lithuania); Tarpukaris; Kaunas; Kultūrinis liberalizmas; Sociokultūrinė aplinka; Visuomenės švietimas; Edukacinė veikla; Scholars; 20th century; Cultural liberalism; Sociocultural environment; Public education.

ENThe aim of the article is to study the impact of the ideas of modern liberalism put forward by the scholars and lecturers of the University of Lithuania, which was established in Kaunas in 1922, in developing the educational voice of the intelligentsia in the society. The study looks into archival and other published sources on the democratic sociocultural environment set up at the University of Lithuania, analyses the impact of the ideas of cultural liberalism expressed by scholars in organising the training and cultural education of the population. The article uses the documents related to the pedagogical and cultural performance of the university operating in Kaunas, personal collections, minutes of meetings of organisations established by intellectuals, official letters and other correspondence, and periodicals. The sources employed in this work tell about the significant organisational and scientific contribution of researchers not only to organising the studies in Kaunas but also to mobilising a qualified, socially active, and democratic academic community. The contribution of the university professors from different fields of science and their value-based approach were of great importance in the development of the sociocultural life of the university. Vaclovas Biržiška, Petras Leonas, Albinas Rimka, and other intellectuals based their theoretical ideas and public actions on democracy, social solidarity, tolerance, other principles of social progress, and the recognition of the value and rights of every person.The ideas of democracy, the development of an educated personality and a modern society were the spiritual basis of many intellectuals’ educational activities in society right from the founding of the University of Lithuania, even though only some of them consistently favoured the doctrines of modern liberalism. Professors from Kaunas University sought to apply scientific knowledge and disseminate their experience by organizing direct training for adults at different levels of education and from different social strata. They established public adult education institutions. The scholars of Kaunas did not limit themselves to the education of the residents of their city, promotion of their educational interests, and development of their cultural horizons. Together with other intellectuals, authors of literary and artistic works, publicists and educators who promoted democratic position, they took part in the work of the Lithuanian Cultural Union, which had been functioning since 1924. This union brought together several dozens of public organisations and companies and cooperated with publishers of liberal cultural magazines. [From the publication]

0235-716X; 2424-4716
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