Ligos ir jų gydymo būdai „Pietinių pietų aukštaičių šnektų žodyne“

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Ligos ir jų gydymo būdai „Pietinių pietų aukštaičių šnektų žodyne“
Alternative Title:
Diseases and the methods of their treatments in the "Southern South Highlanders’ Vocabulary"
In the Journal:
Terra Jatwezenorum [Jotvingių kraštas: jotvingių krašto istorijos paveldo metraštis]. 2020, 12, 1, p. 98-115, 362, 379
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: „Pietinių pietų aukštaičių šnektų žodynas“; Pietinių pietų aukštaičių šnektos; Ligos; "Dictionary of the Southern South Highlanders’ Dialects"; Dialects of southern south highlanders; Diseases.

ENThe article describes the diseases and their treatment methods based on the rich material of the «Dictionary of the Southern South Highlanders’ Dialects». The analysis shows that the southern south highlanders are characterized by a rather archaic approach to diseases and their treatment. This is due to several things. First of all, over the centuries, the relatively closed way of life of the community has created a wonderful harmony of man and nature (nu poterai nu neteisingi, kab dangun, tep ir an žamės, jeu numirai ir numirai, supuvei ir viskas Mrc). Experience and knowing that there is almost no way to cure an old or very sick person (gydytojai manį nepataisis, mani pataisis va dangus Kš). And, of course, faith in the old ways of treatment (apsirgai ir ginkis žolėm Pvč). The southern south highlanders use the opportunities provided by modern medicine (go to the doctors, take their prescribed medicines, receive treatment in hospitals and sanatoriums ...); however, they prefer and give priority to folk remedies. Vocabulary material shows that the most reliable, accessible, and best treatments are plants, animals, incantations, and magical actions. In order to overcome real and supposed diseases faster, Dzūkai often treat them in a complex way that is with the help of herbs, words, magical actions, etc. The analysis supports the assumption that the «Dictionary of the Southern South Highlanders’ Dialects» is a cultural text that says a lot about man and their environment, revealing the ongoing changes in the material and spiritual life. [From the publication]

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