Anykščių krašto kryždirbys Petras Blažys (1864-1921

Sklaidos publikacijos / Dissemination publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Anykščių krašto kryždirbys Petras Blažys (1864-1921/1922)
Alternative Title:
Petras Blažys, a cross-crafter from Anykščiai region (1864-1921/1922)
In the Journal:
Tautodailės metraštis. 2018, Nr. 34, p. 33-37
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Liaudies menas; Petras Blažys; Kryždirbiai; Kryždirbystė; Biografijos; Anykščiai; Folk art; Petras Blažys; Cross-crafters; Cross-crafting; Biographies; Anykščiai; Lithuania.

ENAukštaitija (Highlands), as well as Žemaitija (Samogitia), are famous for their cross-crafters of the second half of the 19th century - the beginning of the 20th century, with the inclusion of Petras Blažys - a cross-crafter from Anykščiai region. The majority of gifted craftsmen of that time, including V. Svirskis, A. Deveikis and P. Blažys, were barely surviving financially; god carving helped P. Blažys rise above poverty. The roaming artist created a number of Petras crosses scattered all over Anykščiai region. Until recently, 28 crosses of P. Blažys have survived in Anykščiai region; however, the prompting speculation suggests that there could be more. Despite the fact that the majority of crosses have similar design principles and ornaments, some crosses have completely different patterns. [From the publication]

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