„Vilniaus žinios“ ir Didysis Vilniaus Seimas

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
„Vilniaus žinios“ ir Didysis Vilniaus Seimas
Alternative Title:
"Vilniaus žinios" (Vilnius News) and the Great Congress of Vilnius
In the Journal:
Terra Jatwezenorum [Jotvingių kraštas: jotvingių krašto istorijos paveldo metraštis]. 2019, 11, 1, p. 281-292, 374-375, 394
Spauda / Press; 1795-1915. Lietuva Rusijos imperijos sudėtyje; Lietuva (Lithuania); Vilnius. Vilniaus kraštas (Vilnius region).
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: „Vilniaus žinios“; Didysis Vilniaus Seimas; Lietuviška spauda; "Vilniaus žinios"; Great Congress of Vilnius; Lithuanian press.

ENThe study analyses the role played by the first Lithuanian newspaper, Vilniaus žinios (Vilnius News) (1904 - 1907), in the organization of the Lithuanian Congress (the Great Congress of Vilnius) which gathered in Vilnius on December 4-5, 1905, as well as in the dissemination of its proceedings. The publication considers whether the newspaper took over the functions of concentrating the work of Lithuanian intellectuals in the Lithuanian national movement, which had been carried out previously by the Lithuanian underground periodical press (Varpas (The Bell) 1899 - 1905; Ūkininkas (The Farmer) 1890-1905; Tėvynės sargas (Guardian of the Fatherland) 1896 - 1904). It asserts that for a short period between September of 1905 and March of 1906 the newspaper became the focal point around which activists in the Lithuanian national movement concentrated to organize the summoning and management of the Lithuanian Congress in Vilnius and the passing and dissemination of its pronouncements which expressed the will of the Lithuanian nation at that time. [From the publication]

2022-01-15 20:26:41
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