Priešmokyklinio ugdymo mokytojo bendradarbiavimo su tėvais galimybės ugdant vaikų komunikavimo kompetenciją darželyje: priešmokyklinio ugdymo mokytojų nuomonė

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Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Priešmokyklinio ugdymo mokytojo bendradarbiavimo su tėvais galimybės ugdant vaikų komunikavimo kompetenciją darželyje: priešmokyklinio ugdymo mokytojų nuomonė
Alternative Title:
Possibilities of cooperation between teachers and parents in cultivating preschool children's communication competence at a kindergarten: the teachers' opinion
In the Book:
Scientific research in education. Vol. 3 / sudarė Monika Orechova, Dalija Gudaitytė. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 2020. P. 136-149. (Vilnius University Open Series)
Summary / Abstract:

LTPriešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikų komunikavimo kompetencijos ugdymo tema yra aktuali, nes geri komunikavimo gebėjimai užtikrina sėkmingą asmens veiklą visuomenėje, skatina socialinę integraciją ir mokėjimą keistis informacija. Todėl tėvai ir pedagogai, suprasdami, kad priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaiko ugdymas vyksta ir šeimoje, ir vaikų darželyje, skatindami vaikus domėtis klausymusi, kalbėjimu, rašymu, skaitymu, turi bendradarbiauti. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidžia priešmokyklinio ugdymo mokytojų nuomonę, o veiksmingas tėvų ir pedagogų bendradarbiavimas sudaro vaikams šias komunikavimo kompetencijos ugdymo(si) galimybes: a)   išmokti geranoriškai bendrauti su suaugusiais žmonėmis ir bendraamžiais; b) susipažinti su raštu; c) išmokti aktyviai klausytis; d) tobulinti garsų ir raidžių siejimo įgūdžius, gimtosios kalbos vartojimo gebėjimus ir kt. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Bendradarbiavimas; Ugdymas; Komunikavimo kompetencija; Priešmokyklinis amžius; Cooperation; Education; Communication competence; Preschool age.

ENThe object of educating preschool communication competence is relevant for good communication skills ensuring a successful person's activity in a society, motivating social integration and an ability to exchange information (Augustinienė, Pocienė, 2016; Jankauskienė, Rinkevičiūtė, 2017). This is why parents and educators, who understand that preschool education proceeds both in a family and in a kindergarten, encouraging children to be interested in listening, speaking, writing, reading, should collaborate (Beinorienė, Gražienė, 2016). Close collaboration between educators and parents makes it possible to ensure the quality of children's education (Kocyigit, 2015; Čiuladienė, Valantinas, 2016; Zhang, Zhang, Pan, 2018). Scientific problem: what are the possibilities of communication between educators and parents in educating preschoolers' communication competence in a kindergarten? The motivation of the research: To identify the possibilities of the collaboration between educators and parents in education of the pre -schoolers’ competence of communication in kindergartens. The methods: the analysis of the scholarly literature and documents, a partially structured interview, a qualitative result analysis. Methodology of research. The qualitative research of educators is accomplished. The partially structured interview is used. The qualitative result analysis was applied, distinguishing categories and subcategories. The sample was comprised of eight pre-primary education teachers. The study was conducted in accordance with ethical principles. [From the publication]Conclusions of the research. In educators' opinion, the effective collaboration between parents and educators makes it possible to develop the following communication competences: (a) to learn benevolent communication with adults and peers; (b) to get acquainted with letters; (c) to improve the joining of sounds and letters; (d) to develop in an informal environment; (e) to learn songs and poems; (f) to play, etc. The experiences of the informants revealed that, in order to improve future communication competence development of preschool children, it would be necessary to: involve more specialists (speech therapists, psychologists, and special educators) in the kindergarten education process; improve the educational environment; introduce educational innovations; promote a more active cooperation with parents of children, etc. A critical analysis of the scientific literature (Kocyigit, 2015; Zhan, Zhan, Pan, 2018; Juškienė, Stasiulienė, 2019, etc.) and documents revealed the importance of the development of preschool child communication competence in a family and kindergarten, therefore, the preschool teachers must cooperate with the pupils' parents. A. Valantinas, G. Čiuladienė (2012) emphasize that educator's cooperation with parents is a threefold activity: informing parents, inviting parents to participate and helping parents.The results of the qualitative study revealed that in the future, in order to promote closer cooperation of parents with preschool teachers, it is necessary to: endeavour to involve parents in the preschool education process in a kindergarten (invite to participate in projects, group activities, events, initiatives); implement non-traditional methods of cooperation (to organize various events in non-traditional environment, initiate joint trips of children, parents and preschool teachers); publicly thank parents for their initiatives; promote preschool teachers to be more active in sharing information with parents, etc. The limitations of the study should be noted when summarizing the results. The limitations of the qualitative research are related to the inevitable subjectivity of the qualitative research. Although the requirements for this type of research were met in the design and conduct of this study, the generalization of research results and their applicability are partially limited by a small number of participants. The results of the qualitative research are unique to the individuals involved. It would be inappropriate to apply the findings of this study to the entire population, but it is likely that the views expressed by the participants in this study will help to anticipate further opportunities for the preschool teachers to engage with parents in developing children's communication skills. [From the publication]

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