Žmogaus ir gyvūno ryšio psichologija

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Žmogaus ir gyvūno ryšio psichologija
Alternative Title:
Psychology of the human and animal bond
In the Book:
Summary / Abstract:

LTPer visą žmonijos istoriją gyvūnai buvo partneriai, padedantys žmogui išgyventi. Šunys, anksčiausiai prijaukinti vilkų šeimos atstovai, - jie ir sargai, ir vedliai, ir kompanionai medžioklėje bei žvejyboje. Laikui bėgant estetiniais ar praktiniais sumetimais dirbtinės atrankos būdu buvo išvedamos specialios žmonėms parankios ir patrauklios šunų veislės. Šunys tapo brangia valdovų ir aristokratų nuosavybe. Kambariniai nykštukiniai šuneliai, telpantys kinų imperatorės rankovėje, įsileidžiami į miegamuosius ir vaikų kambarius. Su šunimis keliaujama, jų žaislams ir skanėstams, netgi drabužėliams, negailima lėšų. Nugaišę jie laidojami. Jų gedima. Pabrėžiant abipusį ryšį, ko gero, XXI a. derėtų juos vadinti draugais, šeimos nariais, o ne augintiniais. Žmonės priskiria šunims savo vertybes, motyvus, elgesio ypatybes ir gebėjimus. įvardijami tokie šunų bruožai kaip ištikimybė, prieraišumas, sumanumas, protas, budrumas, pagarba ir dėkingumas, atsakingumas. [Iš straipsnio, p. 229]

ENSince the earliest days, animals have not only helped man survive, they have become his friends and companions. Anthropomorphism - the attribution of human characteristics to animals - can be seen as an entirely natural expression of man's proximity to nature, but discussion continues within academic circles that the humanizing of animals impedes the objective analysis and interpretation of animal behavior. Science has long sought to discover man's preeminent qualities, but contemporary comparative psychological studies reject many myths. Speech, imagination, social organization, intellect - are these solely human prerogatives? With time, it becomes ever clearer that animals are no strangers to social life, and their mental and emotional capacity greatly exceeds our expectations. There is even talk about the existence of animal culture. Similarities surpass differences, since the origins of many complex human characteristics are rooted in fundamental cerebral processes also found in other species. Complex and colorful lives are not solely restricted to humans. Humans as well as animals can develop a "theory of mind", i.e. an awareness of the thoughts, emotions and intentions of another living creature that permits us to anticipate their behavior. Many animals are particularly adept at reading body language, with dogs emerging as true champions of non-verbal signals - which may explain why we treasure their company so highly.Animals clearly bring us a wealth of positive emotions, helping us to relax and feel better. For people experiencing depression or social anxiety, the emotional support of an animal is a beneficial part of their treatment. A tamed animal becomes a motivator, encouraging us to act, speak, and enter into contact with others. Animals are incorporated into psychology and medicine through animal-assisted psychotherapy and animal-assisted activity programs. Recent studies have shattered the barrier between humans and animals, forcing us to relinquish our privileged position and arrogance. After all, not everything that man has created is good. Alienated from nature, closed off in large cities, people have lost their naturalness and have strayed from their instincts, eating or drinking for purposes other than filling their stomachs or staving off hunger, for example. Deliberate cruelty and the destruction of one's own species is a solely human characteristic. In this context, animal life in the wild can. [From the publication]

2022-01-14 21:46:47
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