Naujagimių vardai Punsko valsčiuje XX a. pabaigoje – XXI a. pradžioje

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Naujagimių vardai Punsko valsčiuje XX a. pabaigoje – XXI a. pradžioje
Alternative Title:
Names of newborns at the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st centuries in Punskas district
In the Journal:
Terra Jatwezenorum [Jotvingių kraštas: jotvingių krašto istorijos paveldo metraštis]. 2019, 11, 1, p. 92-109, 365-366, 386
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Punskas; Naujagimių vardai; Vardynas; Punsk; Names of newborns; Nomenclature.

ENThe purpose of this article is to review the names given to children in 1997–2017 in Punskas district. The data from the Civil Registry Office in Punskas regarding the number of births, registration of individual names in civil status files and information about changes in the spelling made in them were used for the research. The analysis showed that in the past period the registry of names has been enriched with both female and male anthroponomastics with different etymologies. Currently, the examined system of names is a kind of compilation of two registers – Polish and Lithuanian, in which there are Baltic, Slavic and borrowed from other languages names. The female names are dominated by universal names, „nice sounding“ also in other languages. Men‘s names derive mainly from the Christian tradition. In the files of the Civil Registry Office there are more and more Lithuanian anthroponomastics but their number in particular years is different and it is difficult to talk about specific causes here. However, one can see the connection between the choice of the name (and its record) and the parents‘ attitude towards their native culture and tradition. The specificity and certain separateness of the register under examination result from the overlapping trends in the name fashion, constituting a new reality, which is a reflection of both the region‘s with two cultures and the globalization of name systems. [From the publication]

2022-01-10 11:30:09
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