Europos valstybių federacijos piliečių konstitucinis patriotizmas

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Europos valstybių federacijos piliečių konstitucinis patriotizmas
Alternative Title:
Citizens of the United States of Europe and constitutional patriotism
In the Book:
Įvadas — Dabartinė ES teisinė ir politinė padėtis — Lietuvos federalistai — Lietuvos antifederalistai — Europos regionai ir federalizmas — Lisabonos sutarties keitimo pasiūlymai (dalies biudžeto suverenumo atsisakymas) — ES federacijos būtinybė — Autonomistų idėjos — Federalizmo vertybės — Fiskalinis federalizmas — ES federalizmas tik per nacionalinių konstitucijų keitimą — Konstitucinis patriotizmas — Išvados.
Summary / Abstract:

LTŠiame straipsnyje bandoma ieškoti atsakymo į klausimą, ar pasinaudodama konstitucinio patriotizmo koncepcija Lietuva ir kitos ES valstybės galėtų žengti tolesniu legitimiu ES integracijos keliu. Trys federalizmo vertybės įvardijamos ir ginamos šiame straipsnyje: ekonominis efektyvumas, demokratijos legitimumas ir tinkama asmens teisių ir laisvių apsauga. [Iš straipsnio, p. 92]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Federalizmas; Patriotizmas; Politika; Europos federalistų sąjunga Lietuvoje; Europos Sąjungos teisė; Konstitucionalizmas; Konstitucinė teisė; European Union; Lithuania; Federalism; Patriotism; Politics; Union of European Federalists in Lithuania; European Union law; Constitutionalism; Constitutional law; Europos Sąjunga (European Union).

ENThe basic arrangements for economic and monetary union laid down in the Treaty of Maastricht are not enough to provide sufficient solutions of problems raised by euro crisis. The future of the EU depends on the future integration of legal solutions of Eurozone countries. The introduction of the euro leads to deeper economic integration. The Treaty of Lisbon, signed in December 2007, has exposed a weakness of governance. The well-known disjunction between integration in the economic and monetary fields persists. Further steps of close cooperation in resolving Eurozone financial crisis depend on creation of the Federal Economic Government. Future fiscal union requires a,long-term constitutional settlement. By the end of the year 2013, the EU has managed to put in place the rules of fiscal discipline to ensure that such a crisis, from which we are suffering now, should not happen again. These decisions should pass tests of national constitutions. The legitimacy of Eurozone fiscal agreements depends on the will of citizens. The opponents of closer EU integration are arguing if common European identity exists or not. It is impossible to create the United States of Europe on the basis of federation model of constitutional state without national referendums. As a consequence, this research study shows that common identity of citizens of the United States of Europe could be based on the theory of constitutional patriotism, created after the Second World War in Germany. [From the publication]

2023-09-01 17:34:36
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