Išskirtinių geologinių eksponatų reikšmė neformaliam gamtamoksliniam ugdymui

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Išskirtinių geologinių eksponatų reikšmė neformaliam gamtamoksliniam ugdymui
Alternative Title:
Importance of exclusive geological exhibits for unconventional natural science education
In the Journal:
Gamtamokslinis ugdymas [GU] [Natural Science Education]. 2018, vol. 15, No. 1, p. 31-37
Summary / Abstract:

ENVilnius University Geology museum resources are perfectly fit for: education, geoscientific knowledge propagation, informal natural science education (Rudnickaitė, 2007; 2012; ect.). An idea to popularize and spread natural science, had been realized by a three month display of an unique exhibit. Thanks to JSC „PALEO GROUP“ (director Michail Ivanov) Anjou mammoth „Gosha“ becomes a hero of this exibition. Woolly mammoth Mammuthus primigenius Skeleton length-5 m, height-3.1 m, weight 595 kg. Tusks length-4 m, weight of each -65 kg, diameter -16 cm Expedition of Yuzefovich V. F. and Yuri Chumakin in August 2003 had discovered the skeleton of a mammoth in the exposed by a landslide coastal slope of the river Dragotsennaya in the estuarine portion of it, the arrow of Anjou (Kotelniy island, SAKHA Republic), at the confluence of the river into the sea. Of all known finds of mammoth skeletons, this finding can be considered the most Northern location. In fresh coastal sediments, with a capacity of 30-40 m, at a depth of 6 m from the surface, edges of the left side of the chest, the humerus and most of the left tusk were exposed in frozen rocks. During the field season the excavation of thawed soil managed to extract the bones of the skeleton of the mammoth and its tusks. The completeness of the skeleton is 80%. Major long bones of the extremities indicate individual is tall, not less than 4-4,5 m at the withers. The ribs of the mammoth skeleton are perfectly preserved. On the right side of the skeleton, on the last rib there is clearly visible pathological formation of bone callus in areas of fracture. Consequently, it can also confirm that a large male mother had repeatedly participated in tournament battles with rivals. Morphology of teeth crowns is typical for woolly mammoth Mammuthus primigenius.Such a unique geologic (peleontologic) find beeing the first of its kind on display in Lithuania, aquired a lot of attention from the media and in social networks. Purpose of the exhibition to attract as many visitors, to popularize geology and other natural sciences was achieved. Acknowlegment: Many thanks go to JSC „PALEO GROUP“ and its Director Michail Ivanov. [From the publication]

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