Tarpdalykinių ryšių realizavimo didaktinės galimybės: tema šilumos mainų fizikinis modelis

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Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Tarpdalykinių ryšių realizavimo didaktinės galimybės: tema šilumos mainų fizikinis modelis
Alternative Title:
Interdisciplinary relation realisation didactic possibilities: subject heat transfer physical model
In the Journal:
Gamtamokslinis ugdymas [GU] [Natural Science Education]. 2015, vol. 12, No. 2, p. 75-86
Summary / Abstract:

LTVienas esminių gamtamokslinio ugdymo tikslų yra padėti moksleiviams suprasti, kas, kaip ir kodėl gamtoje vyksta. Kitaip sakant, kaip veikia gamtos reiškiniai. Neretai gilindamiesi į gamtos reiškinius, siekdami juos pažinti, patį pažinimo procesą suskaidome į atskiras sritis ar dalis. Šiuo atveju turime atskirus mokymo(si) dalykus, kaip biologija, fizika, chemija ir kt. Tai savaime suprantama, norint pakankamai išsamiai suvokti ir suprasti nagrinėjamas sritis. Kita vertus, lygiai taip pat svarbu integraliai suvokti gamtoje vykstančius reiškinius ir/ar procesus. XX amžiaus antroje pusėje besiplėtojanti sinergetika teigia, kad gamtoje viskas yra integraliai tarpusavyje susiję. Ugdymo mokslas ir praktika nuolat ieško būdų, kaip realizuoti tarpdiscipliniškumą gamtamokslinio ugdymo procese. Kuriamos ir tobulinamos integruoto ugdymo programos, kitos mokymo(si) priemonės. Tačiau integruotas gamtamokslinio ugdymo turinys tėra vienas iš sistemos elementų. Integralus ir tarpdiscipliniškas turėtų būti ir pats procesas. Vienas iš kelių tokiam procesui realizuoti yra gamtos mokslų dalykų ir matematikos mokytojų bendradarbiavimas. Šioje analizėje atskleidžiamos gamtos mokslų (fizikos, chemijos, biologijos) ir matematikos dalykų ryšių realizavimo didaktines galimybes, analizuojant šilumos mainų modelį. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Gamtamokslinis ugdymas; Mokytojų bendradarbiavimas; Tarpdalykiniai ryšiai; Šilumos mainų modelis; Integrated education programmes; Heat transfer; Science education; Science teachers; Transdisciplinarity in science education.

ENOne of the natural science education aims is to help students understand what is going on in nature, how and why? In other words, how natural phenomena function. Quite often, going deeper into natural phenomena, seeking to cognise them, we split the cognition process itself into separate spheres or parts. In this case we have separate teaching/learning subjects, such as Biology, Physics, Chemistry and other. It is understandable in itself, in order to sufficiently exhaustively perceive and understand the analysed spheres. On the other hand, it is equally important to integrally perceive the phenomena and/ or processes going on in nature. In the second part of the 20th century, the developing synergetics states, that everything in nature is integrally interrelated. Education science and practice constantly search for the ways how to realise transdisciplinarity in natural science education process. Integrated education programmes are created and improved and the other teaching/learning devices. However, integrated natural science education content is the only one from the system elements. Integral and transdisciplinary should be the process itself. One of the ways to realise such process is Natural science and Maths teachers’ cooperation. In this analysis, relationship realisation didactic possibilities between the subjects of Natural science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) and Maths are analysed, analysing heat transfer model.Giving one lesson example, Natural science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) and Maths subject relationship realisation didactic possibilities are revealed in the presented analysis. Specimen scenario of the heat exchange research Water containing a clay jug is presented. The pupils, having performed the experiment in Natural science lessons, draw the graphs of temperature and humidity change in time, integrally analyse the results obtained during the experiment. For the result analysis they apply Mathematics knowledge about dependent and independent variables, remember how the relationship between two variables is expressed by graphs. The lesson’s structural parts are presented: discussion of theoretical material, explanation of practical work meaning and experiment procedure, the experiment and the task performance, discussion of the obtained results and their meaningfulness will enable natural science teachers to give a lesson about heat transfer, using integration possibilities. The research is carried out during implementation of the international project „Materials for Teaching Together: Science and Mathematics Teachers collaborating for better results“. Number of the contract: 539242-LLP-1-2013-1-AT-COMENIUS-CMP. [From the publication]

1648-939X; 2669-1140
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