Valstybės tarnybos reforma europeizacijos procese: Lietuvos atvejo analizė : disertacija

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Valstybės tarnybos reforma europeizacijos procese: Lietuvos atvejo analizė: disertacija
Alternative Title:
Civil service reform in the process of europeanisation: the case study of Lithuania
Publication Data:
Klaipėda : Klaipėdos universiteto leidykla, 2020.
187 p
Disertacija rengta 2013–2020 m. Klaipėdos universitete. Daktaro disertacija (socialiniai mokslai) - Klaipėdos universitetas, 2020. Bibliografija.
Summary / Abstract:

LTDisertacijoje tiriamas Lietuvos valstybės tarnybos reformų iniciatyvų ryšys su administracinės europeizacijos procesais, nustatant Lietuvos parlamentinio elito vaidmenį ir pozicijas reformų įgyvendinimo procese narystės ES laikotarpiu. Atliktas tyrimas atskleidė, kad parlamentinio elito lyderystės stoka turėjo įtakos tam, kad narystės ES laikotarpiu iki 2019 metų nebuvo įgyvendinta nei viena valstybės tarnybos reforma, kuria kompleksiškai būtų tobulinama didžioji dalis valstybės tarnybos žmogiškųjų išteklių administravimo aspektų įgyvendinant administracinę europeizaciją, o administracinės Lietuvos valstybės tarnybos europeizacijos buvo siekiama iki narystės ES, tačiau vėliau administracinės europeizacijos prioritetas inicijuojant ir keičiant teisinį valstybės tarnybos žmogiškųjų išteklių administravimo reglamentavimą buvo vis mažesnis. XVII LR Vyriausybės laikotarpiu parlamentinio elito priimti sprendimai dėl valstybės tarnybos žmogiškųjų išteklių administravimo tobulinimo nebuvo glaudžiai siejami su administracinės europeizacijos institucionalizacija, nors didžiajai daliai 2016 – 2020 m. kadencijos Lietuvos parlamentarų yra būdingas proeuropietiškas požiūris į poreikį tobulinti Lietuvos valstybės tarnybos žmogiškųjų išteklių administravimą, kas paskatintų Lietuvos valstybės tarnybos administracinę europeizaciją. []Reikšminiai žodžiai: Europeizacija; Valstybės tarnyba; Reforma; Parlamentinis elitas; Organizacinis izomorfizmas; Europeanisation; Civil service; Reform; Parliamentary elies; Organisational isomorphism.

ENA multitude of global and political changes have triggered major changes in the development of the civil service, and the governance systems have undergone fundamental reforms of the civil service in practically every national state throughout the last two decades333. Only such civil service that is professional and concentrated on the implementation of good-quality policy is capable of the successful implementation of the objectives and tasks of public administration. For an efficient performance of the public governance system, the principles, standards and values of its operation must be in line with the public administration priorities and current circumstances. European integration processes that fostered public services to define common operating approaches and frameworks were among such circumstances, which affected the civil services in the European countries. These processes unfolded at the level of the states’ administrative systems through the idea of the Europeanisation of administra tion which aimed at the strengthening of the administrative capacities of the countries in order to implement more effectively the policies of the European Union (hereinafter – the EU). Civil service systems of the member states had to be improved in the framework of the implementation of the Europeanisation of administrative systems on the basis of the common principles for European public administration, such as reliability and consistency, openness and transparency, accountability, effectiveness and efficiency. These principles were formulated for the member states as a practical guideline for the reforms of the public administration. This initiative of the EU inspired the need to restructure the principles of human resources management in the public services in Central and Eastern Europe (hereinafter referred to as CEE) that indicated their willingness to join the EU.In the pre-accession period, the initiatives of the restructuring of the public administration systems buttressed by the Europeanisation in the CEE countries essentially played the role of a catalyst for the reforms of the civil service systems, which had to imply an ongoing process of the civil service improvement, and the institutionalisation of the European values within the then new bloc of the CEE states. It should be noted that the reforms constituted one of the practical measures of the Europeanisation of national policies. The pre-accession process and the starting period of the membership opened up the way for the reforms of the civil service systems in the CEE countries characterised by the institutionalisation of pro-European values in order to achieve the objectives such as depoliticisation and improved professionalism of the public services by bringing their performance closer to the common principles of European public administration, the idea of which accorded with the neo-Weberian model of State. It was hoped that the reforms pursued by these countries will show the sustainability implying ongoing attempts/ efforts at the implementation of defined initiatives and actions. A reform is deemed sustainable when states continuously invest in the enhancement of the civil service professionalism even if it meets the EU standards in all senses – in accordance with the formal requirements and prevalent attitudes of civil servants.However, these reforms failed to prove sustainable in all the CEE countries, therefore the causes of the lack of convergence merit additional study. Such causes might be different but it is worthwhile discussing the prospects of universality of the common European public administration principles, and their relationship with the national administrative traditions. Nonetheless, before embarking on the study it is important to assess actions, work and initiatives carried out by parliamentary elites responsible for the sustainability of reforms. []

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2022-02-25 17:03:27
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