Rusija „Lietuvių kalbos žodyno“ iliustraciniuose sakiniuose ir reikšmių apibrėžtyse

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Rusija „Lietuvių kalbos žodyno“ iliustraciniuose sakiniuose ir reikšmių apibrėžtyse
Alternative Title:
Russia in illustrative sentences and definitions of the Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language
In the Journal:
Baltu filoloģija. 2020, t. 29, nr. 1
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojama, koks RUSIJOS konceptas susidėlioja iš „Lietuvių kalbos žodyno“ iliustracinių sakinių ir apibrėžčių, kuriose minima leksema Rusija. Siekiama nustatyti, kurie koncepto požymiai yra svarbiausi ir kokia galėtų būti Rusijos kognityvinė definicija. Medžiaga tyrimui rinkta iš elektroninio žodyno teksto, neimant naujausių Papildymų ir Tarmių kartotekų duomenų, todėl gauti rezultatai atspindi RUSIJOS konceptą, susidėliojusį lietuvių pasaulėjautoje nuo 1917 m. Spalio revoliucijos iki XXI a. Ištyrus empirinę medžiagą semantinės analizės, interpretaciniu ir aprašomuoju metodais matyti, kad žodyne atsispindi sovietmečio kolektyvinė lietuvių atmintis. Ji kuria tikrais įvykiais grįstą praeities aprašymą, kurį ne vieną dešimtmetį pasakojo daugybė žmonių (tarmių informantai ir rašytinių šaltinių autoriai), tačiau tas pasakojimas buvo labai stipriai paveiktas to meto žodyno autorių bei redaktorių (savi)cenzūros. [Leidėjo anotacija]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Žodynas; Semantika; Iliustracinis pavyzdys; Reikšmės apibrėžtis; Kognityvinė apibrėžtis; Konceptas; Dictionary; Semantics; Illustrative sentence; Definition; Cognitive definition; Concept; Rusija (Russia).

ENThe article analyses the concept of RUSSIA that can be pieced together from the illustrative sentences and definitions present in the Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language Lietuvių kalbos žodynas that contain a reference to the lexeme Rusija ‘Russia’. The goal here is to determine the key attributes of this concept and the possible cognitive definition of Russia. The article covers a total of 118 illustrative sentences and 38 definitions of meanings. Material for the study was screened in the electronic version of the Dictionary, disregarding the latest data available in the card indices of New Additions and Dialects, making it critical to accentuate that the results of the study reflect the concept of RUSSIA that took shape in the Lithuanians’ attitude from the 1917 October revolution till the 21st century. Empiric material is scrutinised using the methods of semantic analysis, interpretation, and description. Analysis of the illustrative sentences and definitions of meanings containing the lexeme Russia shows that the Dictionary provides a reflection of the Soviet period collective memory of the Lithuanians. It projects an account of the past grounded in real events that have been narrated by many people (dialectal informants and authors of written sources) for decades; however, this tale has been heavily influenced by the (self-)censorship of the authors and editors of the Dictionary of that period. The illustrations of the Dictionary reveal a number of key attributes of the concept of RUSSIA. It is a vast country with cold winters, flats, and fertile soil. One of the watershed political events of that era was the 1917 October revolution. The illustrations carry a great deal of information about the migration of people and different nations.Dialectal sentences inform us that Lithuanians would often flee to Russia driven by wars; some Lithuanians travelled to that country in pursuit of work, medical treatment, military service. Dialects bear testimony to the fact that people would be taken to Russia by force. The illustrations speak of people moving in the opposite direction as well. There are quite a number of Russians coming from Russia to work or live in Lithuania. Illustrations from the Soviet period emphasize he ideas of Marxism, Leninism, capitalism, communism, etc., mention the names of publicists, philosophers, and other public figures, political parties and social groups of the era, mock the upper class, elevate the importance of the Communist Party, speak about an ever-growing number of factories in Russia, the expansion of heavy industry, and so on. Some of these questions sound pompous and resemble catchwords. The content of the definitions of meanings is equally important when it comes to formulating the overall concept of RUSSIA. The definitions of meanings carry a higher degree of specifics, indicating precise historical dates, mentioning more nations living in Russia, as well as political trends, movements, and parties. Russia is referred to in definitions of terms relating to the military and the police, as well as the names of monetary units. It has been noted that the definitions of meanings provide precise facts pertaining to the subject of the study, while illustrations, apart from the historical narrative, possess a higher degree of bias and even emotion, which is usually expressed through sentences written in first person. [From the publication]

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