Bendrojo ugdymo mokyklų skelbiamos pažangos paskirties suvokimas: bendruomenių požiūris

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Bendrojo ugdymo mokyklų skelbiamos pažangos paskirties suvokimas: bendruomenių požiūris
Alternative Title:
Perception of the progress announced by general education schools: a community approach
In the Journal:
Socialinis darbas [Social Work]. 2020, t. 18, Nr. 2, p. 25-37
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje pristatomas bendrojo ugdymo mokyklų bendruomenių požiūris į skelbiamos bendrojo ugdymo mokyklos (toliau – Mokyklos) pažangos paskirties suvokimą. Stinga mokslinio tyrinėjimo aiškinantis koks Mokyklų bendruomenių požiūris į pažangos skelbimo paskirtį. Keliami probleminiai klausimas - kaip bendrojo ugdymo mokyklų bendruomenių nariai suvokia Mokyklos pažangos skelbimo paskirtį, koks jų požiūris į tai, kokia teisinė bendrojo ugdymo mokyklų prievolė skelbti savo pažangą. Nacionalinis siekis, kad 2022 m. visos bendrojo ugdymo mokyklos skelbtų savo Mokyklos pažangos ataskaitas, tačiau kaip nurodoma ir naujausiose švietimo ataskaitose, prie šio siekinio artėjama per lėtai. Todėl tyrimo tikslas – atskleisti bendrojo ugdymo mokyklų bendruomenių požiūrį į Mokyklos pažangos skelbimą. Tyrimo objektas – bendrojo ugdymo mokyklų bendruomenių požiūris į Mokyklos pažangos skelbimą. 2018 m. vykdytas interviu, kuriame dalyvavo bendrojo ugdymo mokyklų bendruomenių atstovai - administracijos atstovai ir mokytojai, 7–12 (I–IV gimnazijos) klasių mokiniai ir jų tėvai. Analizuojant švietimo teisinius dokumentus atskleista, kad bendrojo ugdymo mokyklos nėra aiškiai privalomai įpareigotos skelbti savo mokyklų pažangą, tačiau tai yra švietimo strateginė siekiamybė, kaip vienas iš šiuolaikinės, geros mokyklos požymių. Remiantis bendrojo ugdymo mokyklų administracijos, mokytojų, tėvų ir mokinių duomenimis, mokyklos pažanga yra skelbiama dėl išorinių ir vidinių veiksnių, taip pat atskleistas skirtingas Mokyklų bendruomenių požiūris į Mokyklos pažangos skelbimą. Visos bendrojo ugdymo mokyklos bendruomenės grupės (mokyklų administracijos atstovai, mokytojai, mokiniai ir mokinių tėvai) kalbėdamos apie išorinius Mokyklos pažangos skelbimo veiksnius įvardina viešumo principo atliepimą.Mokyklų administracijos atstovai ir mokiniai mokyklos pažangos skelbimą sieja ir su naujų mokinių pritraukimu. Tačiau mokyklų administracijų atstovų tyrimu atkleista nepakankamai suvokta Mokyklos pažangos skelbimo paskirtis (viešumas, atskaitomybė prieš visuomenę ir kt.), nebuvo įvardintas mokymosi vienas iš kitų aspektas ir aiškiai išsakyta abejonė dėl skelbimo tikslingumo (skelbiama, nes šiuo metu to reikia švietimą koordinuojančioms organizacijoms). Įvardinami vidiniai veiksniai atkleidžia Mokyklų skelbiamos mokyklos pažangos aktualumo suvokimą, išskirtos kategorijos: dėl pasidžiaugimo ir įkvėpimo tobulėti, dėl pasidžiaugimo ir įsipareigojimo; dėl mokymosi vienas iš kito. Mokytojai, mokiniai, jų tėvai Mokyklos pažangos skelbimą sieja su mokymusi vienas iš kito, tačiau nei vienas administracijos atstovas to neįvardino. Mokiniai ir jų tėvai mano, kad Mokyklos pažangos skelbimas leidžia pasidžiaugti rezultatais ir įkvepia daryti dar daugiau, patvirtina ir nuramina, kad teisingu keliu einama, tačiau mokyklų administracija tai sieja su vidiniais įsipareigojimais – pasidžiaugti, bet kartu ateina įsipareigojimas kitą kartą daryti dar geriau. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Mokyklos pažanga; Mokyklos administracija; Mokytojai; Mokiniai; Tėvai; Bendrojo ugdymo mokyklos bendruomenė; School progress; School administration; Teachers; Students; Parents; School community.

ENThe article „Perception of the progress announced by general education schools: a community approach” presents School’s progress and its dissemination from the viewpoint of general education school community. Thus, for almost three decades, Lithuania has been developing its own educational system after the Restoration of its Independence. The Restoration of the Independent State of Lithuania on March 11, 1990, prompted a systemic reform of all areas of education. This transformation of education in Lithuania was stimulated by internal (factors that existed in the system of education itself) and sociocultural (factors from other socio-cultural areas of life). According to the national rapports Lithuanian education had to model and develop a new concept of education goals, objectives, structures, curriculum, methods, strategies, which Western European countries had been developing for decades, constantly changing, refining, reforming. The article addresses the scientific problem that the There is a lack of research, concerning the general education school community‘s approach towards student›s education results, as a significant sign of progress. National goal for 2020 is that all general education schools would announce their progress report but according to studies changes are too slow. This is why aim of research is to analyze general education school community attitude to school’s progress announcements. The object of the research is the attitude of general education school communities to the announcement of school progress 2018 m. The current study (Perception of the progress announced by general education schools: a community approach) is development (described in more detail) part of the research “The Conception of School Community of General Education School Progress in terms of the Good School Concept” (from V. Targamadzė, G. Žibėnienė and J. Česnavičienė).The article presents a quality research – a interview performed in 2018, which involved representatives of general education school management and teachers, as well as 7-12 grade gymnasium students and their parents. With the help of purposeful sampling there were chosen comprehensive schools that delegated one parent each who had a child studying in grades 7-12 and were acquainted with the school activities. The criteria applied for the selection of comprehensive schools were as follows: comprehensive schools had to be from different regions of the country: schools in a city; schools in a big town; schools in a town and in a village; comprehensive schools according to different founders: state and public institutions. When analyzing the perception of the progress announced by general education schools, we must remember, the fact that a school is an organization operating in a complex and changing social environment and involving many different society groups, such as school administration, teachers, students, parents and other society. Based on the idea already found in the Good School Concept (2015) that the education in Lithuania is founded on close collaboration between the family, school and society. The research methods were used: analysis of academic literature and educational documents, structured interviews. To analyze the interview, the content analysis was adapted, (Bitinas, Rupšienė, Žydžiūnaitė, 2008,) which allowed to make conclusions based on the analyzed text. The qualitative content analysis was used to analyze the interview data, which allowed to draw conclusions based on the analyzed text. This method of analysis was based on systematic analytical steps: multiple readings of records, systematic interpretation of distinguished categories and subcategories and their justification based on the evidence from the transcribed texts – the confirmatory statements.According to the qualitative research methodology, the confirmatory statements are extracts from answers provided by the participants which cannot be changed by the researcher; therefore, they are quoted exactly as given by the participants. The initial interview data was handled in such a way as to ensure that it was impossible to identify the persons involved in the study. The research was organized, data analysis was carried out and presented based on the principles of qualitative research ethics: insuring the respect for individual privacy, confidentiality and anonymity, with goodwill and justice. While analyzing legal documents concerning education, it was revealed that there is no clear obligation for general education schools to publish the progress of their schools. Legislation (Good School Concept, 2015; State Strategy for Education 2013–2022) identifies the announcement of the progress of general education schools as an aspiration to achieve educational progress as one of the features of a modern, good school. According to general education school administration’s, teachers’ parents’ and students’ data, schools progress is announced because of external and internal factors, moreover, was revealed school community attitude to school progress announcement. All general education school community groups mention the external factors of school progress as a response to the principle of publicity (indicated by all target groups - school administration representatives, teachers, pupils and parents of parents. School administration and pupils also associate school progress with attracting new pupils. [...]. [From the publication]

1648-4789; 2029-2775
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