Socialinių darbuotojų, dirbančių priklausomybės ligų reabilitacijos bendruomenėje, profesinio perdegimo sindromo raiška

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Socialinių darbuotojų, dirbančių priklausomybės ligų reabilitacijos bendruomenėje, profesinio perdegimo sindromo raiška
Alternative Title:
Manifestation of the professional burnout syndrome in social workers, employed in community rehabilitation centres for addictive diseases
In the Journal:
Socialinis darbas [Social Work]. 2020, t. 18, Nr. 2, p. 6-24
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje pristatomi teoriniai profesinio perdegimo sindromo aspektai, išryškinant jo apibrėžtį ir apraiškas bei atskleidžiama socialinių darbuotojų, dirbančių priklausomybės ligų reabilitacijos bendruomenėje, profesinio perdegimo sindromo raiška remiantis jų patirtimis. Priklausomybės ligų reabilitacinė bendruomenė – sudėtinga organizacija, kurios darbo spektras yra labai platus, o veikla yra sudėtinga ir daugialypė. Pagal ilgalaikės reabilitacijos bendruomenės metodiką, naudojant „12 žingsnių“ programą, priklausomybė laikoma liga, kuri turi biologinės, psichologinės, socialinės ir dvasinės prigimties aspektų. Tyrimo objektas – socialinių darbuotojų, dirbančių priklausomybės ligų reabilitacinėse bendruomenėse profesinio perdegimo sindromas ir jo įveika. Tyrimo klausimas: Kokia yra socialinių darbuotojų, dirbančių priklausomybės ligų reabilitacinėse bendruomenėse, profesinio perdegimo sindromo raiška? Straipsnio tikslas – Atskleisti socialinių darbuotojų, dirbančių priklausomybės ligų reabilitacijos bendruomenėje, profesinio perdegimo sindromo raišką. Uždaviniai: 1) pateikti profesinio perdegimo sindromo apibrėžtį bei jo apraiškas; 2) atskleisti socialinių darbuotojų, dirbančių priklausomybės ligų reabilitacijos bendruomenėje, profesinio perdegimo sindromo raišką remiantis socialinių darbuotojų patirtimis. Tyrimo metodai: teoriniai – mokslinės literatūros ir dokumentų analizė; empiriniai – pusiau struktūruoto interviu ir turinio (content) analizės metodai. Tyrime dalyvavo 7 socialiniai darbuotojai dirbantys priklausomybės ligų reabilitacinėse bendruomenėse. Profesinio perdegimo sindromas gali būti suprantamas iš įvairių pusių. Atskiros jo dalys sudaro bendrą koncepciją ir susideda iš tokių aspektų, kaip emocinis išsekimas, depersonalizacija, savirealizacijos mažėjimas.Empiriniu tyrimu nustatyta, kad socialiniai darbuotojai, dirbantys priklausomybės ligų reabilitacinėse bendruomenėse patyrė profesinio perdegimo sindromą pasireiškiantį: neigiamų emocijų ir elgesio pokyčiais, padidėjusiu jautrumu, pasireiškiančiu dirglumu, savirealizacijos mažėjimu, jausmais, kad esi niekam nereikalingas, motyvacijos veikti praradimu, nesugebėjimu susikoncentruoti ties pagrindine veikla, somatiniais susirgimais, fiziniu išsekimu, atsiribojimu nuo kolegų, klientų ir šeimos narių, laiko su šeima kokybės suprastėjimu, fizinio aktyvumo stoka, mitybos sutrikimais. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Depersonalizacija; Emocinis išsekimas; Priklausomybės ligų reabilitacijos bendruomenė; Profesinio perdegimo sindromas; Socialiniai darbuotojai; Community rehabilitation centre for addictive diseases; Depersonalization; Emotional exhaustion; Professional burnout syndrome; Social workers.

ENCommunity Rehabilitation Centre for Addictive Diseases is a complex organization with a very wide range of working activities, where the activities themselves are complex and multifaceted. According to the long-term community rehabilitation methodology that uses the “12 Step” programme, addiction is considered to be a disease with aspects of biological, psychological, social and spiritual nature (Popova (Попова, 2017)). The activities and work of social workers, employed in the community centres for addictive diseases are based on intensive contact with groups of people and individuals with problems that require to be solved (Marc and Osvat, 2013; Gudžinskienė, 2012). Due to the specifics of the mentioned activity, social workers must be able to manage a considerable psychological load of communication and cooperation, must be empathetic and persevering, energetic and initiative-oriented, believe in the necessity and success of their work, try to achieve their aim, and devote all their energies to the work and activities. The following aspiration determines the complexity of working conditions of social workers, experience of strong emotions, and manifestation of stress. It causes a psychosocial phenomenon – the burnout syndrome in social workers. Research object: professional burnout syndrome. The aim of the article is to reveal manifestation of the professional burnout syndrome in social workers, employed in community rehabilitation centres for addictive diseases. Tasks: 1) to provide the definition of the professional burnout syndrome and its manifestations; 2) to reveal manifestation of professional burnout syndrome in social workers, employed in community rehabilitation centres based on the experience of social workers. Research methods: academic literature analysis, document analysis, qualitative research type was chosen for the study.In the study, the method of a semi-structured interviews quality (content) analysis, summarizing method was used. This article overviews problematic question of the study: What personal and institutional aspects determine a higher probability, risk of the professional burnout syndrome and what is the professional burnout experience of social workers, employed in community rehabilitation centres for addictive diseases? The following article analyses only the manifestation of professional burnout syndrome in social workers, employed in the community rehabilitation centres for addictive diseases. The sample of the research. A criteria-based sample was used in the study. The informants (social workers) were chosen according to the following criteria: 1) social workers who have a degree in the area of social work; 2) are engaged in social work with persons addicted to psychoactive substances (alcohol, drugs); 3) have less than 2-year experience related to work with persons addicted to psychoactive substances (addicted to alcohol, drugs); are employed in the community rehabilitation centres for addictive diseases. The study was conducted in the January – March of 2020 in the community rehab centres of addictive diseases. 7 social workers participated in the study. Each interview continues form 50 -140 minutes. The obtained data were analyzed by using the content analysis method. The qualitative content analysis was performed in the following sequence (Creswell, 2013): the repeated reading of the content of transcribed interview texts, the distinction of meaning elements in the text analysed, the grouping of the distinguished meaning elements into categories and sub-categories, integration of the categories/sub-categories into the context of the phenomenon analysed and the description of their analysis.Ethics of the research. Personal permission of the informants to take part in the research was sought. The researchers obliged themselves to the research participants not to divulge the information related to the organisation and the informant. The principles of anonymity, volunteerism and benevolence were followed. The social workers working with persons addicted to psychoactive substances (alcohol, drugs) were acquainted with the goal of the research, the interview questions, and the importance of a reasoned reflection on their experience. Professional burnout syndrome can be understood from different points of view that in total comprise a general concept and consist of the following aspects: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and decrease in self-realization. Results of the study. The research revealed that factors causing the occurrence of the professional burnout syndrome manifest themselves through organizational, interpersonal, individual and role conflicts, which have been long neglected or left without proper attention and caused the professional burnout syndrome. The analysis of the participants’ experiences of the professional burnout allowed to distinguish four categories: professional burnout syndrome related to the manifestation of negative emotions and behavioural changes; professional burnout syndrome related to physical-somatic features; dissociation from others; emergence of an unhealthy lifestyle. Empirical research revealed that manifestations of the professional burnout syndrome in social workers are associated with negative emotions and behavioural changes, which can be observed through hypersensitivity, irritability, decrease of self-realization, feelings that you are not needed, loss of motivation to act, and inability to concentrate on the activity one is engaged in. [...]. [From the publication]

1648-4789; 2029-2775
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2021-02-14 13:41:15
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