Lietuvystės Mozė. Jono Basanavičiaus gyvenimo ir ligos istorija

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Lietuvystės Mozė. Jono Basanavičiaus gyvenimo ir ligos istorija
Alternative Title:
Moses of the Lithuanian people the life and illness of Jonas Basanavičius
Publication Data:
Vilnius : Naujasis židinys-Aidai, 2019.
430 p
Bibliografija ir rodyklės.
Pratarmė — Pradžios žodis — I. Rusijos imperija: 1. Ožkabaliai: Asphyxia; 2. Marijampolė: Amorplatonicus; 3. Maskva: Pleuritis — II. Bulgarijos kunigaikštystė -Austrijos-Vengrijos imperija: 1. Lom Palanka: Manta thraco-phrygica; 2. Praha: Initio amoris — III. Bulgarijos kunigaikštystė: 1. Elena: Tuberculosis; 2. Lom Palanka: Glans; 3. Varna: Neurasthenia cerebralis — IV. Vilnius: 1. Rusijos imperija: Arrhythmia; 2. Oberostas: Hypoxia cerebrali ; 3. Lenkija: Pleuritis sicca – Pabaigos žodis — Summary — Bibliografija — Asmenvardžių rodyklė — Geografinių ir istorinių vietovardžių rodyklė — Medicininių ir kurortologinių terminų rodyklė.
Summary / Abstract:

LTJonas Basanavičius neabejotinai yra viena svarbiausių naujosios Lietuvos istorijos asmenybių. Apie Basanavičių iki šiol tiek daug kalbėta ir rašyta, kad atrodo, jog jau viskas žinoma. Tačiau akademiniu žinojimu paremta tradicija jį visuomet pristato kaip tautinio atgimimo Patriarchą, lietuviško žodžio gaivintoją, Vasario 16-osios akto signatarą, visiškai nemąstydama apie kultūriniame laike gyvenusią ir veikusią istorinę asmenybę. Basanavičių galėtumėm laikyti pagrindiniu šiuolaikinės lietuvybės ideologijos kūrėju ir vienu svarbiausių (greta Vinco Kudirkos ir Jono Jablonskio) moderniojo lietuviškumo stulpų. Paradoksalu, kad jau trisdešimt metų Basanavičiaus istoriografinis įvaizdis gyvena išvaduotas iš marksistinės istorijos traktuotės, tačiau per tą laiką nesusilaukė gilesne analize pagrįsto biografinio žvilgsnio. Išimtimi galėtume laikyti Algirdo Grigaravičiaus išsamią trilogiją, skirtą jo gyvenimui ir darbams. Basanavičiaus gyvenimo aprašymus buvo pasisavinusios dvi ideologijos - nacionalizmas ir komunizmas. Ir kiekviena jų Basanavičiaus asmenybę spraudė į savo rėmus, jo gyvenimą ir veiklą traktuodami ne kaip autentišką kultūriniame laike išskleistą biografiją, bet kaip ideologinėms reikmėms pritaikytą pasakojimą. Todėl jo asmenybės pasaulis, dažniausiai suskaidytas į politinės veiklos, etnologinių tyrimų ir gydytojo praktikos zonas, taip ir liko išbarstytas po įvairiausius akademinius kontekstus. Šioje knygoje ir bus bandoma pateikti Basanavičiaus individualų portretą, bandant suvokti „lietuvių tautos patriarcho" asmenybę kaip biografinę visumą. Kitaip tariant, Basanavičiaus biografija yra tapusi neatskiriamu Lietuvos istorijos dėmeniu. [Iš Pratarmės]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Jonas Basanavičius; Biografija; Atgimimo patriarchas; Nepriklausomybė.

ENSo much has been told and written about Basanavičius that it may seem that everything is known about him. However, the tradition based on academic knowledge always presents him as the patriarch of the Lithuanian national revival and the signatory of the Act of February 16, but neglects Basanavičius as a historical person and cultural figure who worked and lived during a specific time of Lithuanian culture. Basanavičius could be considered as the main founder of today's Lithuanian ideology and one of the main pillars (along with Vincas Kudirka and Jonas Jablonskis) of modern Lithuanianism. As perplexing as it may seem, it is now thirty years that Basanavičius' historiographic image has been liberated from the Marxist interpretation of history, but it has not received any analytical biographical analysis. The life of Basanavičius was absorbed by two ideologies - nationalism and communism. Each of these two ideologies tried to include Basanavičius into its ideological framework, treating his story not as an authentic biography but as a narrative adapted... to ideological needs. Therefore, his life, usually divided into areas of political activity, ethnological studies and his practice as a physician, remained scattered throughout a variety of academic contexts. The broad biographical trilogy by Algirdas Grigaravičius could be considered an exception. However, it is not a biography in the traditional sense. The work is a chronologically arranged collection of articles discussing various spheres of Basanavičius' life and work. Our work presents an individual portrait of Basanavičius and focuses not on one particular field of his work, but on the "patriarch of the Lithuanian nation" as a biographical whole.It is most often that as a historical figure, Basanavičius was taken for granted - as a fact that is not to be discussed and critically considered. His writings and the motives of his actions were not to be questioned and critically analysed. An alternative to this is an academic biography that covers his life and work alongside his political activities and gives a holistic look at Basanavičius. Such an exploration allows us to unite the scattered cultural, political and geografical fragments of our historical memory on the subject into a comprehensive biography. The research revealed that the image of Jonas Basanavičius we find in our historical memory - the image of him as the most prominent political figure in the national revival - is significantly different from what the doctor has thought of himself. It is not the dawn and creation of a new political life that he cared the most - it is his historical research what he considered to be the most important field of work. In other words, he was most concerned not with the fate of the February 16t h resolution, but with the historical validity of the theory that Lithuanians are of ancient Thracian origin. Even though for the most part it was only him who considered the idea important, Basanavičius remained faithful to it until the end of his life. This theory was not merely an expression of Basanavičius' interest in ancient history; it was the quintessence of his creative life and intellectual activity, which included the key segments of his worldview: Romanticism, the nurturing of the Lithuanian consciousness, and the professional ethos of a physician.Basanavičius' life was marked by two intellectual factors: Asclepius and Lithuania. Medicine and History. Patients and the nation. In other words, he became a doctor who researched Lithuanian history with great care. He became a historian who relentlessly worked to raise the historical and national awareness of the people. The aim of doctor Basanavičius was to drive Lithuanians out of a centuries-long state of cultural catalepsy. However, while Basanavičius saw his medical practices as a field of rational decisions and empirical knowledge, a space where the latest scientific innovations are discussed, it is not the case with his work on ancient history - it was completely overrun with metaphysics. Traditionally, Jonas Basanavičius' studies in ethnology and folklore are considered the most valuable part of his cultural heritage. They are indeed important for Lithuanian humanities and culture in general. However, from the scholarly point of view, Basanavičius' most mature scholarly work is written in Bulgaria and devoted to the study of the history and anthropology of the Lorn area - Материяли за санитарната етнография на България. Ломскиятъ окржгъ (1880-1889), published in 1891. The study had caught the eye of international scholars. Basanavičius himself was recognized as the most prominent representative of Bulgarian anthropological thought and as someone who has developed the concept of modern anthropology. [...]. [From the publication]

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