Suaugusiuosius mokytis motyvuojantys veiksniai ir priemonės pozityviosios tėvystės mokymo grupėse

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Suaugusiuosius mokytis motyvuojantys veiksniai ir priemonės pozityviosios tėvystės mokymo grupėse
Alternative Title:
Adult motivating factors and measures to learn in positive parenting training groups
In the Journal:
Tiltai [Bridges] [Brücken]. 2020, Nr. 2 (85), p. 1-23
Summary / Abstract:

LTSiekiant užtikrinti sklandų suaugusiųjų mokymosi procesą ir tinkamai juos motyvuoti, pastarąją išlaikant bei užtikrinant teigiamą jos kaitą, andragogui svarbu išmanyti pozityviosios tėvystės mokymo grupių dalyvius motyvuojančius mokytis veiksnius ir priemones, aktuali mokslinė problema, kokie vidiniai ir išoriniai veiksniai motyvuoja suaugusiuosius mokytis ir kokias veiksmingas priemones andragogas turėtų taikyti, siekdamas motyvuoti besimokančiuosius pozityviosios tėvystės mokymo grupėse ir taip palaikyti teigiamą jų mokymosi motyvaciją per visą mokymosi procesą? Straipsnyje siekiama atskleisti ir pagrįsti suaugusiuosius motyvuojančius mokytis veiksnius ir veiksmingas motyvuojančias mokytis priemones pozityviosios tėvystės mokymo grupėse. Atlikto tyrimo aktualumą ir originalumą atskleidžia autorių siekis parodyti, kad motyvuojančių mokytis veiksnių bei priemonių išmanymas gali būti praktiškai naudingas andragogui motyvuojant tėvus mokytis pozityviosios tėvystės mokymo grupėse. Praktiniu požiūriu gauti tyrimo duomenys gali būti reikšmingi siekiant veiksmingai motyvuoti tėvus, išlaikant ir stiprinant jų mokymosi motyvaciją per visą mokymosi procesą. Remiantis tyrimo rezultatais nustatyta, kad suaugusiųjų mokymosi motyvacija turi būti palaikoma ir stiprinama per visą pozityviosios tėvystės mokymo procesą, o jos teigiama kaita priklauso nuo andragogų taikomų priemonių veiksmingumo bei suaugusiuosius motyvuojančių mokytis veiksnių išmanymo. Straipsnyje pateikiami tyrimo rezultatai atskleidžia suaugusiuosius mokytis pozityviosios tėvystės motyvuojančius vidinius ir išorinius veiksnius bei, respondentų požiūriu, veiksmingas juos mokytis motyvuojančias priemones. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Motyvuojantys mokytis veiksniai ir priemonės; Pozityvioji tėvystė; Pozityviosios tėvystės mokymo dalyviai; Andragogas; Motivating factors and measures to learn; Positive parenting; Positive parenting training participants; Andragogue.

ENPositive parenting is a complex phenomenon that requires theoretical and practical knowledge, which is not innate and must be nurtured in order to properly form the child’s full-fledged personality, while creating a warm parent-child relationship based on mutual respect and positivity. Positive parenting requires not only internal conditions, but also external help, which would enable parents to acquire knowledge in the field of positive parenting and improve those skills. [...] It should be noted that research on the factors and tools that motivate parents to learn, which would help professionals (andragogues) who conduct positive parenting training to effectively strengthen parental learning motivation, is sorely lacking. Thus, in order to ensure a smooth adult learning process and to motivate them properly, maintain learning motivation and ensure its positive change, it is important for an andragogue to know the factors and tools that motivate participants to learn in positive parenting training groups. Therefore, the study discussed in this article causes a scientific problem: what internal and external factors motivate adults to learn and what effective measures should an andragogue use to motivate learners in positive parenting training groups and thus maintain a positive motivation for their education throughout the learning process? Object: factors and tools motivating learning parents to learn. Aim: to reveal and substantiate the factors that motivate adults to learn and effective learning motivational measures in positive parenting training groups. [...].Summarizing the analysis of the research results, it can be stated that the learning motivation of many parents is based on maintaining and strengthening it in all positive parenting trainings, responding to their basic needs to solve childupbringing problems, exchanging and acquiring new behavioral and communication skills, strengthening self-confidence in parenthood. As the person leading the training (andragogue) and the participant’s own attitude – play an important role in changing parents’ learning motivation, the tendencies of effectiveness of positive parenting training group can be useful to the andragogue to maintain learners’ motivation and ensure positive change throughout the learning process. The results of the research show that adults are most motivated by positive parenting to learn internally (personal participant’s personal attitude, response to his/her individual needs, expectations related to children’s upbringing) and external (training content, activating learning methods and professionalism of the person conducting training, and general competencies, personal and professional experience, positive attitude towards participants and their children, ability to manage group heterogeneity, motivate to learn) factors and the following, from the respondents’ point of view, effective motivating learning tools: andragogue attractively conveys relevant teaching content; a positive emotional and supportive physical learning environment; learning through group discussions, communication and collaboration, problem analysis and sharing, sharing experiences and learning from each other; feedback; reflection. [...].The study confirmed that the change in learning motivation is not related to the demographic characteristics of adult learners, and is not only dependant on the participant’s personal attitude, but also on the role of andragogue whoencourages interaction between group members, rather than being limited to providing only formal training and information on parenting issues. Based on the analysis of the research results and conclusions, the following suggestions should be made for andragogues who conduct positive parenting training and seek effective motivation of participants to learn throughout the learning process: yy Find out the factors that motivate the participants to learn during the first (1–2) sessions. yy Create an instrument (questionnaire) and study the change of parents’ learning motivation during the learning process (at the beginning and at the middle of the training). yy Evaluate the effectiveness of the measures used to motivate parents to learn during the trainings, using the parents’ questionnaire. yy Apply motivational learning measures taking into account the peculiarities of the participants and their level of learning motivation. yy Base the activity on the principles of transformational leadership, promote the interaction of the participants, avoid raising their personal goals above the interests of the learners, avoid prejudice and negative emotions. [From the publication]

1392-3137; 2351-6569
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