Žurnalistikos potvynis: Lietuvos žiniasklaidos sistemos kaita, 1986-1990

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Žurnalistikos potvynis: Lietuvos žiniasklaidos sistemos kaita, 1986-1990
Alternative Title:
Journalism flood. Changes in the media system in 1986-1990
Publication Data:
Vilnius : Vaga, 2020.
479 p
Bibliografija ir asmenvardžių rodyklė.
Įžanga — I Kambarys. Sistema nepriklauso auditorijoms — II Kambarys. Mitingas neišvaikomas: įvykio kriminalizavimas ir keli transformacijos kontekstai: Sensacija MIPP sistemoje; Margareth Thatcher vaidmuo: politinės lyderystės komunikacija apnuogina propagandą; Nomenklatūra ignoruoja tarptautinį kontekstą ir „Atgailą“; Istorinio naratyvo klastojimas; Paslapties kulto praktika: kontrolė - spaudos galia - užtikrinimas — III Kambarys. Turinio kaita: Neigimas: darbas su laiškais ir peržengtos ribos; Stalinas prenumeruoja „Tiesos“ dienraštį: naujiena įrėminama iš patirties; „Viešumas“ neturi ribų, tačiau jas turi; MIPP: prie apskrito stalo turi susėsti visi — IV Kambarys. Kritiško mąstymo link — Epilogas — Journalism flood. Changes in the Media System in 1986-1990 — Literatūra — Asmenvardžių rodyklė.
Summary / Abstract:

LTKaip yra komunistinis žiniasklaidos modelis kintant jo priemonių turiniui ir darbuotojų požiūriams vienu iš radikaliausios transformacijos laikotarpių – 1986-1990 metais? Remiantis medijų turinio analize, archyvinių fondų dokumentais šis kismas aptariamas dialogo būdu, atsakant į pamatinį klausimą, kodėl Atgimimo metais pakilus žurnalistikos bangai buvusios propagandinės sistemos dalyviai gebėjo visiškai pakeisti urinį ir, jai atslūgus, išlikti naujomis aplinkybėmis. Knyga parodo, kaip Ribentropo-Molotovo slaptojo suokalbio (1939) pasekmių diskursas skrodžia žurnalistiką ir apskritai viešąją erdvę, versdamas keisti regiono santvarkas ir sistemas. [Anotacija knygoje]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Žurnalistika; Pertvarkos laikotarpis; Visuomenės informavimo priemonės; Propaganda.

EN'You're walking on 'Tiesos' Street...'. There is a rally on the other side of the street, but in order to get to it, you have to dare to cross the street because you can be filmed by security agents and then persecuted... This is the beginning of a monograph written in the style of a dialogue that explores changes in the communist media system between 1987 and 1990. The Declaration of Perestroika (1985) by Secretary General of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU), Mikhail Gorbachev (1985), creates a political context that gives rise to changes in the public space. Regarding the period of the study. As a starting point for the changes, the author chose rallies and demonstrations in Vilnius (Lithuania), Riga (Latvia), Tallinn (Estonia) that took place on 23/08/1987 to remind of the consequences of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact (23/08/1939), which were presented differently in press of various countries, depending on the media system. Under the direction of the CPSU leadership, the mainstream media criticises these events and slanders its organisers and participants: a so-called 'vox populi' campaign is launched in dailies, television and weeklies, where selected individuals (artists, officials, teachers, workers) loyal to the CPSU leadership express critical views. Resentment is formed against the letter of the 20 US Congress members to the USSR authorities, asking to allow people in the occupied Baltic States freely express their views on historical anniversaries. However, the propaganda condemning appeals by the Congress and the rallies and demonstrations is also spread in other communist media systems, such as Poland.The author shows how the discourse is formed in the protest field on the consequences of the secret conspiracy of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact (the '39Pact), which the USSR authorities and local Latvian, Estonian and Lithuanian communist authorities first try to overcome (August 1987-February 1988) and then offer various interpretations of the historical truth (1988-1989). The author debates with those authors who see the public upswing in the USSR in 1988-1990 only as a wave of nationalism, since the discourse of the '39Pact focused primarily on defending human and peoples' rights. The end of this period of changes was February 1990, with the passage of the Law on Press and Other Mass Media in Lithuania, one month before the proclamation of the Independent State: it provides for the abolition of censorship but establishes a Press Control Board to oversee media. The said demonstrations turned the '39Pact discourse into international news, with the main narrative, i.e. injustice suffered (persecution, killing, deportation) becoming the axis that drives the region's politics for the next few decades, leading into the 21st century. This is evidenced by the Resolution on the importance of European remembrance for the future of Europe passed by the European Parliament in 2019 (2819). The book consists of an introduction, an epilogue, and 4 chapters entitled after archive rooms ('I. Opportunities for Audiences in the Lithuanian SSR and 'the Obedient' Networking. The System Does Not Belong to Audiences"; 'II. The Rally is Impossible to Disperse. Criminalisation of the Event and Several Transformation Contexts'; 'HI. Content Changes'; 'IV. Towards Critical Thinking'). They develop a dialogue between the professor and the student. [From the publication]

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