Lietuvos partizanų valstybė

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Lietuvos partizanų valstybė
Alternative Title:
Lithuanian partisan state. A firsthand story
Publication Data:
Vilnius : Alma littera, 2019.
231 p
Summary / Abstract:

LTApie 1944-1953 m. partizaninį karą knygoje nuosekliai pasakojama remiantis kovotojų už laisvę įsakymais, pranešimais, apyskaitomis, laiškais, nuotraukomis ir prisiminimais. Į šiuos šaltinius autoriai žvelgia kaip į visumą ir pateikia naują - Lietuvos partizanų pogrindžio valstybės - interpretaciją pirmą kartą partizanai vaizduojami kaip ginkluoti politikai, siekiantys naujos demokratinės Lietuvos valstybės sukūrimo. Knyga kupina naujų faktų, nežinomų partizanų vadų gyvenimo istorijų, archyvinių nuotraukų, schemų, paveldo vietų žemėlapių su koordinatėmis ir papildytos realybės elementais. [Anotacija knygoje]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Rezistencinis judėjimas; Partizaninis karas Lietuvoje (1944-1953); Partizanai; Nacionalinis išsivadavimo judėjimas; Rezistencijos ir stalinizmo laikotarpis, 1944-1953; Resistance movement; Partisan War in Lithuania (1944-1953); Partisans; National liberation movement; Period of Resistance and Stalinism, 1944-1953.

ENPartisans are known to all nations that fought for freedom. The name comes from the Latin word pars 'part, division, party' and means a struggling group of citizens. Partisans of all European countries were characterised by political activism; they acted as irregular military forces, moreover, they were easily armed and therefore able to move quickly from one place to another. Partisanship can also be understood as extreme public spirit - unconditional armed defense of the homeland. Thus, the 1944 to 1953 Lithuanian guerrilla warfare was not a unique phenomenon, however, it went beyond the history of the 20th century nation-state. Lithuanians (as well as Poles and Ukrainians) differed from other partisans from a military viewpoint: they had uniforms and military ranks, drafted statutes, and practiced the military drill. Most importantly, through executing the people's will, they sought to restore the statehood of the occupied country. Over the period of 1946-1949, Lithuanian partisans adopted and made public three political declarations which set out the aspirations of their struggle: a free and independent state governed by democratic principles, human rights, and social guarantees. Under the Soviet occupation, by the Declaration of 16 February 1949, the Council of the Movement of the Struggle for Freedom of Lithuania was declared the supreme political body of the nation, leading the political and military struggle.The Council acted through the Presidium which, since its establishment on 16 February 1949 until 30 May 1953, was headed by Guerrilla General Jonas Žemaitis-Vytautas. Adolfas Ramanauskas-Vanagas was the Commander of the Defense Forces, and Jonas Kimštas-Žalgiris, the Chief of Staff. The Public Affairs Division, headed by Juozas Šibaila-Merainis, was responsible for the publication Prie rymančio Rūpintojėlio [At the Pensive Christ]. "In order to ensure the existence of the nation, every member of the Movement of the Struggle for Freedom of Lithuania must become a creator of the future", declared the Public Activities Programme of the Movement. The partisan organization - the Movement of the Struggle for Freedom of Lithuania - had all the characteristics of an underground state: the institutes of government and law enforcement, military, communication, and economic structures, it developed political thought and anti-Soviet propaganda as well as publishing activities and foreign relations. The most important goal was to create a new democratic State of Lithuania.

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