Socialiai atsakingo vartojimo raiška ir jo vystymosi galimybės: akademinio jaunimo atvejis

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Socialiai atsakingo vartojimo raiška ir jo vystymosi galimybės: akademinio jaunimo atvejis
Alternative Title:
Expression and development opportunities for socialy responsible consumption: the case of academic youth
In the Journal:
Regional formation and development studies. 2020, Nr. 3 (32), p. 54-63
Subject Category:
Summary / Abstract:

LTVisuomenė nuolat sprendžia ekologines ir socialines problemas, nulemtas perteklinio vartojimo. Atsakingo vartojimo ir gamybos įgyvendinimas leidžia užtikrinti plėtrą, sumažinti būsimas ekonomines, aplinkos ir socialines išlaidas, didinti ekonominį konkurencingumą ir mažinti skurdą. Atsakingi vartotojai sprendimus priima vadovaudamiesi ne tik noru patenkinti asmeninius poreikius, bet ir atsižvelgdami į galimas priimamų sprendimų pasekmes aplinkai bei visuomenei. Straipsnyje pristatomi tyrimo, kuriuo siekta ištirti akademinio jaunimo atsakingo vartojimo raišką ir galimybes skatinant jų atsakingą vartojimą, rezultatai. Empirinis tyrimas atliktas taikant kiekybinį metodą (apklausoje dalyvavo 264 dviejų Vakarų Lietuvos aukštųjų mokyklų studentai), duomenys apdoroti SPSS programiniu paketu. Akademinio jaunimo atsakingo vartojimo raiškos tyrimas atskleidė, kad dauguma apklausoje dalyvavusio jaunimo mano esantys socialiai atsakingi, nors atsakingo vartojimo raiška jų kasdienio gyvenimo praktikoje neįsitvirtinusi. Galima teigti, kad apskritai atsakingas jaunimo vartojimas labiau orientuotas į jų pačių naudą, o ne į aplinkos puoselėjimą ar visuomenės interesus. Ištirta, kad jaunuoliai, studijų procese išklausę socialinės atsakomybės dalyką, geriau suvokia atsakingo vartojimo naudą yra labiau įsitraukę į aplinkai bei visuomenei aktualias veiklas. Vartoti atsakingai jaunimą labiausiai paskatintų rūpinimasis savimi ir kitų žmonių gerove, atsakomybės jausmas bei kaltės jausmas dėl aplinkai daromos žalos. Atsakingą akademinio jaunimo vartojimą skatina aktyvi reklama, lengvai pasiekianti vartotojus. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Atsakingas vartojimas; Jaunimas; Socialinė atsakomybė; Responsible consumption; Youth; Social responsibility.

ENSociety is constantly facing ecological and social problems as the consequences of consumption. The implementation of responsible consumption and production contributes to development, reduces future economic, environmental and social costs, strengthens economic competitiveness, and reduces poverty. Responsible consumption is a broad concept that not only has an environmental dimension, but also economic, social and health dimensions. A responsible consumer can be defined as a person basing his acquisition, use and disposal of products on the desire to minimise or eliminate any harmful effects, and to maximise the long-term beneficial impact on society. Some responsible consumers will focus on the ecological side of their consumption, trying to choose seasonal, organic and ecological products. Others will focus on the impact that their choices have on the economy, by choosing locally produced products. There are also some who choose products according to what is best for their health. Responsible consumers tend to make conscious and deliberate choices in the products they consume, and support socially responsible businesses. In order to develop responsible consumption, it is important to analyse the experience of consumption in different groups of society, and measures that may influence consumption practices. While institutions of higher education play an important role in ensuring the dissemination of progressive approaches and theories, there are only a few studies on the implementation of social responsibility in institutions of higher education. The goal of the research is to survey the practices of academic youth in responsible consumption, and the possibilities for increasing responsible consumption. In the article, we raise problematic questions: What are the practices of academic youth in the field of responsible consumption? What would encourage young people to consume more responsibly?.The methods of the research. Analysis of scientific literature sources; systematisation, synthesis, generalisation and comparison were applied in the theoretical part. Quantitative research and data processing methods were applied in the empirical research. Students at two institutions of higher education were invited to participate in the research. A total of 264 respondents (aged 19 to 25) filled in questionnaires. The collected empirical data were processed using the SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) program. In the data processing, descriptive statistics were used, such as percentiles, mean, mode and standard deviation. The data was also processed by Independent Samples Test. The main results of the research. The research indicates that 80 per cent of respondents consider themselves to be socially responsible citizens, and only about 20 per cent of respondents believe that they are not socially responsible citizens. However, an analysis of the expression of responsible consumption shows that responsible consumption is not entrenched in practice in young people’s daily lives: respondents generally indicated that they only sometimes consume responsibly. Responsible consumption by young people is often manifested through activities that are economical or health-friendly: respondents usually pay attention to the price and quality of the product/item when choosing goods in a shop, saving electricity and water resources, and selling or giving away unnecessary items. However, responsible consumption is not only linked to concerns about the environmental impact (environmental protection), but also to much more general social problems. The research revealed that the least practised or non-practised activities require a physical or time-consuming contribution from young people (e.g. giving blood, volunteering, participation in local community activities).Only very rarely do academic youth choose local producers, or organic, recycled or environmentally friendly products. So it can be indicated that, generally, responsible consumption by young people is more egotistical than fostering the environment or society. The research data indicates that social responsibility studies promote more responsible consumption by individuals, and awaken not only economic interests, but also greater involvement in activities of environmental and societal interest. The academic youth who took part in the study indicated that they were concerned about responsible consumption (only 0.8 per cent of respondents said they did not care). Young people would be most motivated to consume responsibly to look after themselves and the well-being of others, feeling a sense of responsibility and a sense of guilt for environmental damage. It should be noted that the analysis of the expression of responsible consumption has shown that academic youth pay close attention to the price of goods, but do not identify financial benefits as one of the main reasons for more responsible consumption. The researchers believe that the financial benefits aspect could be used as a means of promoting responsible consumption. Socially responsible advertising and information on the product/product packaging has the most influence on young people. Corporate social responsibility reports have the least impact on young people. Thus, responsible consumption among academic youth is driven by active publicity and advertising tools that reach consumers and do not require much effort by consumers (e.g. search for information, read a report, etc). Socially responsible companies need to submit social responsibility reports, but it would be appropriate to publicise and promote certain information by other means that do not require additional effort and attract greater consumer attention. [From the publication]

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