Šeimų švietimo Šilutės miesto ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigose organizavimas ir įgyvendinimas: pedagogų ir tėvų nuomonės

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Šeimų švietimo Šilutės miesto ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigose organizavimas ir įgyvendinimas: pedagogų ir tėvų nuomonės
Alternative Title:
Organisation and implementation of family education in pre-school educational institutions in the town of Šilutė: the opinions of teachers and parents
In the Journal:
Regional formation and development studies. 2020, Nr. 3 (32), p. 37-53
Summary / Abstract:

LTNemažėjančios socialinės problemos, įvairūs socialiniai, ekonominiai, psichologiniai veiksniai, lemiantys ikimokyklinio ugdymo proceso dalyvių poreikius, motyvaciją, lūkesčius, šeimų švietimui kelia atitinkamus iššūkius. Straipsnyje pristatomos pedagogų ir tėvų nuomonės apie šeimų švietimo organizavimo ir įgyvendinimo galimybes Šilutės miesto ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigose. Anketinės apklausos (raštu) būdu apklausti 97 pedagogai ir 208 tėvai. Tyrimas atskleidė, kad dažniausia šeimų švietimą organizuoja ir įgyvendina ikimokyklinio ugdymo pedagogai, rečiau – administracija ir specialistai. Vykdomas abiejų krypčių šeimų švietimas – informacinio ir kryptingo edukacinio, pažymėtina, kad informacinio pobūdžio – dažniau. Šeimų švietimui organizuoti ir įgyvendinti dažniausia trūksta vaiko teisių apsaugos specialistų, socialinių darbuotojų, lektorių, švietimo pagalbos ir visuomenės sveikatos priežiūros specialistų. Šiame procese ypač svarbi asmeninė respondentų nuomonė ir įsitraukimą į procesą lemiančių veiksnių kaita, tokių kaip šeimų aktyvumas, pakankamas specialistų skaičius, laikas, lėšos, komandinis darbas, tėvų įsitikinimų ir elgesio pokyčiai, visų švietimo proceso dalyvių bendradarbiavimas ir kt. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaiga; Šeimų švietimas; Family education; Pre-school education institution.

ENThe topic of the family is becoming more and more relevant in society, and is influenced by unrelenting social issues: emigration, child abuse, the decreasing number of marriages, and the increasing phenomenon of broken families. The education system is also experiencing new needs from the recipients of its services. Family education is one of the most important challenges (Jovaiša, 2007; Bitinas, 2013b; Burvytė, 2016; Traškelys, Martišauskienė, 2019), which is usually limited to the exchange of basic information, even though it is directly related to the involvement of all participants in the educational process and is regulated by the Convention on the Rights of the Child (1992), and other Lithuanian documents [...]. Family education is one of the areas that first has to be identified and organised with guidelines in all pre-school educational programmes, in order to meet the emerging needs of parents and the community that do not correspond to the educational trends for modern children, or which may be harmful to a child (Methodological Recommendations for the Preparation of the Pre-School Education Programme, 2006). Family education is aimed at assistance and change; therefore, it is important to understand that parents of children, specialists, the children themselves, and other educators can help the teacher (Burvytė, 2017). Family education is a professional relationship that enables various people, families and groups to pursue their mental health, well-being, education and career goals, while its success is influenced by relationships, intervention repertoires, psychological processes and counselling goals (Sanja, Danijel, et al., 2019). When family education is organised and implemented in a pre-school educational institution, the whole family receives assistance.This assistance is useful in trying to prepare parents for the changes that take place in everyday life while raising and educating children, as well as effectively coping with various circumstances (Samara, Ioannidi, 2019). As an area of cooperation, family education is the most problematic, as it is not clear who has to look after it, and there is no clear model for this process in pre-school educational institutions. Accordingly, it is usually informative counselling that is carried out by pre-school education teachers, because it is not acceptable for teachers in this field to organise lectures for parents, while specialists who visit or work in pre-school educational institutions have limited work time and a heavy workload, so that family education remains not fully implemented. Problematic question raised in the article: what are the opinions of teachers and parents about the possibilities of organising and implementing family education in pre-school educational institutions in the town of Šilutė? Research object: the possibilities for organising and implementing family education in pre-school education institutions in Šilutė. Research aim: to examine the opinions of teachers and parents on the possibilities of organising and implementing family education in pre-school education institutions in Šilutė. The research was conducted from December 2019 to March 2020, by carrying out a questionnaire survey. The research involved 305 respondents: 97 teachers, and 208 parents from different pre-school education institutions in Šilutė. [...] Main results and conclusions. Family education is a significant process for all participants in the pre-school educational process that is regulated by the legal framework and is one of the most important challenges to the education system.The goal of family education is any kind of assistance to the family in order to achieve the successful socialisation of the child. Informative family education prevails, while targeted education is rare. Family education in pre-school educational institutions is mostly organised and implemented by preschool and pre-primary education teachers, who have direct contact with the family on a daily basis, and less often by specialists and administrators. The implementation of family education and meeting the needs of participants in the existing pre-school education process require certain social, economic and psychological factors: the participation of families, the entry of new specialists into the institution, teamwork, more time and resources, changes in the beliefs and behaviour of parents, and most importantly, the cooperation of all participants in the pre-school education process. Cooperation between parents and teachers, the participation of parents, joint interaction between parents, teachers and specialists, teamwork, respect, and humanity in mutual relationships with the whole community of the pre-school educational institution, and material incentives, would encourage pre-school education teachers to become more actively involved in family education, while parents would be encouraged by mutual cooperation with all the participants in the pre-school educational institution in activities with children, respect for them as parents, cooperation with specialists, cooperation between parents and teachers, the engagement of children, and joint interaction between parents, teachers and specialists. [From the publication]

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