Lietuviškojo ir indiškojo nacionalizmo sąsajos: matristinis aspektas (XIX a. pab.-XX a. pr.)

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Lietuviškojo ir indiškojo nacionalizmo sąsajos: matristinis aspektas (XIX a. pab.-XX a. pr.)
Alternative Title:
Connections of lithuanian and indian nationalisms: the matristic aspect (the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century)
In the Book:
Sigitas Geda: pasaulinės kultūros lietuvinimas / sudarytojas Antanas Andrijauskas. Vilnius : Lietuvos kultūros tyrimų institutas, 2010. P. 412-432, 570-571. (Rytai-Vakarai: komparatyvistinės studijos; 10)
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Nacionalizmas; Tapatybė; Religija; Deivės; Motina; Nationalism; Identity; Religion; Female deities; The mother.

ENIn the article the movements of independence in Lithuania and India in accordance with the matristiciakti aspect are investigated. In Lithuania and India the discourse of the national identity was taking shape as a counteraction to the occupational (colonial) power. The reformist ideas of Lithuanian cultural workers are compared with those of India by referring to the philosophical concepts (Vydūnas, Oskaras Milašius, Stasys Šalkauskis). It is main tained, that: a) the example of Vydūnas can be compared with M. K. Gandhi in respect with the social activity; b) the metaphysical visions of Milašius on a level of creative power comes up with those of Sri Aurobindo, so there are the ideological connections between them briefly discussed; c) the figure of Jonas Basanavičius is introduced as an adequate to Sri Aurobindo with respect to the political authority and the keeping to the primeval traditions. There is elucidated the divide in the Lithuanian Christian and non-Christian concepts of national identity, whose controversial character and an establishment of the Other in the nationalistic discourse conforms to the Indian problem of communalism. The conclution has been drawn, that in Lithuania at the end of the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century there was no one, who would theoretically construct the matristic concept of national identity from the standpoint of spirituality (or religion) parallelly in a political, philosophical and creative (poetical) thought, as Sri Aurobindo did. On a smaller scale and in individual cases there was the feminine aspect of an adoration of the Motherland emphasized by nationalists, which can be linked with the popular patriotic movement reminiscent of the ancient worship of Indian female deities.The most distinct expression of the Mothers image found place in poetry and literature; nevertheless the metaphysical philosophical concept of the feminine principle in a national context was not developed systematically as well. [From the publication]

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